Russian Paratroopers Hold Massive Military Drill in Chelyabinsk!
- I have no idea whether the Satanic cabal will carry out their mid July (15th July 2004) Ukraine-Russia war plan. The good news is: we don’t have to wait long to find out!
– - ‘You Were Warned By V On Russia’s Coming Blitzkrieg Of The Ukraine & NATO We Are Down To A Couple Of Weeks Now!
Ukrainian President’s announcement that civilians will be ‘evacuated’ in the area of the ‘AntiTerror Operation’ means the Ukrainian troops are going to start driving Eastern Ukrainians in towns in rebellion out of their homes.
The victims will flee to Russia joining the 100s of thousands of refugees already there. This is almost guaranteed to elicit direct Russian intervention to crush the Ukrainian forces, but Poroshenko doesn’t care he knows Ukraine is broke and may lose the Donbass regions anyway and is happy to rule over rump Ukraine with US IMF money in return for provoking the big bad Russian bear and verifying the banksters Narrative that Putin is recreating the USSR as opposed to a Eurasia without the dollar.
In other words, everything is moving like clockwork toward the early to mid-July dates for a Russian blitzkrieg that V’s London sources have been warning of! The Ukrainians are following the script to a t with more reports of Nazi einsatzgruppen style rapes and murders in Donbass villages being carried out by Kiev’s Right Sector pyschopaths emerging that will enrage Russians and get them urging Putin to send ‘polite men in green’ spetsnaz to wipe every Right Sector unit east if the Dnieper out…
– - “The Plan that they (Illuminati, Satanic bloodlines) want to do is a SCORCHED Earth policy. They are going to pretty much eviscerate, this is what they planned on doing, they are going to create enough, a tremendous amount of CHAOS in the northern hemisphere. And when you see that occurring: US, Canada, Europe, Russia – great deal of TENSION ! And there could be a some sort of War or conflagration that would cause a great deal of population to either be WIPEOUT and there will be a re-ordering of things to the South and some parts of the East. And it is in these nodes, these areas, where London will step in as a Savior. They’ll step in as, they’ll look at these tragic situation, regardless this East-West battle going on, look at this War, look at this tragedy, here we’re gonna lift up mankind. And here’s the leader that is going to do it! And you and I both know who that is! (Sandhu: Right, right so they will present their own Savior. That’s ..) Yeah! Their ‘messiah’, that’s what they are prepping for!”
– Quote (12 June 2014) “V” the Guerrilla Economist, from 1hr 23min 30 seconds onwards
– - “Mid July there is going to be a transitionary event! Get ready for a possible quick war in which the United States will lose! Russia will sweep into the Ukraine and take control of it, re-install its government and re-establish its pipelines. EU will be absolutely pushed back. They won’t know what to do from the absolute shock and awe of the event.”
– Quote (12 June 2014) from 1:27.40 onwards