Senior Officials Rat on Obama Thermonuclear War Drive; NYTimes Disagrees!
- Senior Officials Rat on Obama Thermonuclear War Drive; NYTimes Disagrees!
Reuters published a very lengthy special report two days ago, under the title: “How the U.S. Made its Putin Problem Worse.” It describes in detail how first George W. Bush and then Obama provoked the Russians to the present point on the brink of thermonuclear war, by surrounding it with anti-ballistic missile sites and by expanding NATO right to the Russian borders, among many other crimes.
“The 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, without U.N. authorization and over the objections of France, Germany, and Russia, was a turning point for Putin. He said the war made a mockery of American claims of promoting democracy abroad and upholding international law….
“In late 2003, street protests in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, known as the Rose Revolution, led to the election of a pro-Western leader. Four months later, street protests in Ukraine that became known as the Orange Revolution resulted in a pro-Western president taking office there.
“Putin saw both developments as American-backed plots and slaps in the face, so soon after his assistance in Afghanistan, according to senior U.S. officials.
“In 2006, Bush and Putin’s sparring over democracy intensified. In a press conference at the first G-8 summit hosted by Russia, the two presidents had a testy exchange. Bush said that the United States was promoting freedom in Iraq, which was engulfed in violence. Putin openly mocked him.
“‘We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq,’ Putin said, smiling as the audience erupted into laughter, ‘I will tell you quite honestly.'”
Most of the article’s evidence comes from the mouths of named former senior U.S. officials, including James F. Collins and Jack Matlock, former U.S. Ambassadors to Moscow, and Thomas E. Graham, George W. Bush’s senior director for Russia on the National Security Council. But the impetus and the outlines of the article come from elsewhere. They come from unnamed current “senior U.S. officials,” particularly one such official, who was clearly responsible for the article’s appearance, and who steered the authors as to where to go for their attributed, on-the-record interviews.
At just the time that Obama’s Russia war-plan has failed, his own senior officials are giving away the game,— obviously in cooperation with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
But the New York Times Disagree—Violently
On the opposite side, the New York Times runs an authorized front-page leak,— in actuality from Obama himself. On reading it, Lyndon LaRouche noted that the Times represents the anglophile (originally Dutch) traitors of Wall Street who murdered Alexander Hamilton.
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