LaRouche Interview on RIA Novosti: Remove ‘British Stooge Obama’ to Prevent World War!
- LaRouche Interview on RIA Novosti: Remove ‘British Stooge Obama’ to Prevent World War!
Listen to the interview here.
Lyndon LaRouche gave a 12 minute telephone interview to RIA Novosti’s Lyudmila Chernova on April 14th. The basis for RIA Novosti’s interview was a Foreign Policy article on April 10 by Colum Lynch, entitled, “Exclusive: UN Hints Russia and Its Allies Rigged Crimea’s Secession Vote,” questioning Colum’s summary of an allegedly independent UN draft report. RIA Novosti’s article based on the interview is titled “OPINION: UN Report Claiming Russia Rigged Crimea Referendum is Propaganda Fraud”. The article opens by quoting LaRouche:
A leaked UN report indicating Russia compromised last month’s referendum in Crimea is a complete fraud, representing propaganda undertaken for international purposes, eight-time presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche Jr. told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.
“There is a certain game being played here, with the intention to get guilt placed on Russia for the launching of the world war,” LaRouche claimed, adding that Ukraine is chiefly controlled by Nazis backed by the US, Britain and other parts of Europe, and this domination is headed toward a thermonuclear war.
“We are now in a provocation period … with the Ukrainian people under a reign of fascist terror. The ruling forces there are well-known in the intelligence business as the product of the Nazi system of Adolf Hitler,” LaRouche said.
The expert accused the US president of supporting Nazi groups in Ukraine, despite opposition to involvement from Americans. In March, LaRouche wrote an open letter to Congress calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.
In every answer during the full interview [see transcript below], LaRouche trounced on the danger of a British Empire-instigated global thermonuclear war, and the necessity not to react to propaganda and provocations as local phenomena. In his subsequent remarks about the interview in discussion the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee, Mr. LaRouche said that “I indicated the emphasis has to be placed on the fact that if Obama were removed from office, there would be probably no danger of a thermonuclear war.”
Before the interview Ms. Chernova told Mr. LaRouche that RIA Novosti will be releasing a news wire for the benefit of other news services, in addition to putting an article on their website.
Ms. Chernova had previously interviewed LaRouche on March 19 for Voice of Russia, which ran under the headline, “Obama, US Government Must Be Removed To Save Mankind — Presidential Candidate LaRouche.” The current article, published April 15th, can be seen here.
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