Jim Willie: FedRes Has Lost Control, Systemic Failure Flashing Warning Signals Now!
- “The West will continue its rapacious confiscation of wealth and its vicious devotion to war until the platform they stand on built of USD ceramic tiles and USTBond cables and SWIFT pylons collapses..” – Quote
- Jim Willie: Fed Has Lost Control, Systemic Failure Flashing Warning Signals Now!
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The US Federal Reserve has been printing money since 2011 to cover USGovt debt securities in a frenetic manner. They have lost control. They call it stimulus, when it is actually the opposite. It does assist the speculators with nearly zero cost money to borrow, but one must be a club member to win loan grants. The Quantitative Easing programs are deceptive. When the program was initially announced, the Jackass claimed it would be part of an endless sequence. With QE1 and QE2 and Operation Twist and QE3, following the failed trial balloon called Taper Talk, it is quite clear to anyone with an active brain stem and absent rose colored glasses that the USFed is caught in a trap called QE to Infinity. It is not stimulative. Instead, the uncontrollable bond monetization causes capital destruction. It causes economic degradation. It causes lost jobs and vanished income. It is a gigantic wet blanket to smother and destroy the USEconomy slowly, amidst unending propaganda. QE is the device that will result in Systemic Failure, which is already flashing signals of its arrival.
by Dr. Jim Willie, http://www.goldenjackass.com/
Money Velocity continues to fall rapidly in both the USEconomy and that of Canada, reaching 50-year lows in the Untied States. The indication is failure in monetary policy, as hyper inflation has killed capital on an extensive basis. The capital destruction is in its fourth year, probably having reached critical mass. Compared and contrasted with fast rising money supply, the systemic failure is obvious to conclude. The exception is to morons, Wall Street junkies, Big Bank criminal elite, and USGovt hacks. The fast decline in Money Velocity means that it is not moving in the body economic. The reason is simple. The blood system is contaminated with the USDollar, a toxic currency with no backing in a hard asset. The new money is toxic currency under phenomenal debasement by its own steward, the USFed itself. They redouble their harmful policy instead of abandoning it.
The Money Velocity picture is not pretty. The declining rate has broken lows set 50 years ago. Technically, the velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically produced goods and services within a given time period, like an inventory cycle time. In other words, it is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy. The result would be that growth (as measured in GDP) should be rising. With falling velocity of money, then fewer transactions are occurring and a recession is indicated. Such is the present case in astonishing rapid deterioration. Consumers and business are holding firm their money rather than investing it, as they see poor prospects. New capital formation is not occurring inside the USEconomy, or pitifully little. Debts are being dissolved, usually in default. It should be noted that the velocity of money has also been falling in the EU and Japan. The entire global economy is in recession, the pathogenesis shared.
The protection is with Gold & Silver bars & coins. The solution is not more bond purchases, broader monetization programs, more liberalized bank reserve rules, or suspended accounting rules. The solution is liquidation of the big dead zombie banks, and a return to the Gold Standard. It will be put in place. It will be installed. It will arrive with a vast new structure of legitimacy. It will include barter systems and decentralized mechanisms. It will include new Letters of Credit based in Gold Trade Notes. But the East led by Russia, China, and followed by India, Japan, and South Korea will be the promoters, installers, and architects of the new strong stable equitable Gold Standard system that the Untied States dreads and fears. The West will continue its rapacious confiscation of wealth and its vicious devotion to war until the platform they stand on built of USD ceramic tiles and USTBond cables and SWIFT pylons collapses. The return of the Gold Standard will relieve the global economy of the burden and wreckage of central bank ruinous and criminal actions. The damage will be extensive. The survivors will be owners of Gold & Silver. The rest will become debt slaves in a nasty fascist state.
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