Ukrainian Crisis Triggered by US Deep State in Preparation for Revamp of International Monetary System?!
- “Our analysis is that the Ukrainian crisis was triggered by the U.S. deep state in preparation for the introduction of the next reorganization of the international monetary and financial system. This is to retain the EU in the area of U.S. domination.” – Quote
- Ukrainian Crisis Triggered by US Deep State in Preparation for Revamp of International Monetary System!
by Bruno Paul,
We first established in January 2013 the need to resolve the problem of the international monetary system, and its absolute priority. We then proposed in May 2013 a strategy to effectively prepare the necessary resilience to support the change in the international monetary system. The various official announcements over the past months have largely confirmed that this anticipation was shared.
The synthesis of this strategy was again stressed by Laurence Brahm on 21/10/2013:
“ It is not the complete removal of the old Bretton Woods financial architecture but rather the creation of a new parallel structure to the old. Eventually, countries will be able to choose which architecture is better suited to their own plans for reconstruction and renovation. ” [4]
This week of April 2014 where I release this article sees an important step in international relations. It is nothing less than discussing the 2015 framework and choosing between the repetition of the Vienna Conference in 1815 (the Concert of Nations) or Yalta Conference in 1945 (the Cold War) that will support the “new rules of the game in international politics“. [5]
In fact, this week in Europe a large number of high level bilateral meetings take place:
* President Xi with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, François Hollande, Angela Merkel then with the European Commission president [6]
* President Obama with President Xi, and then he has extended his trip at the last minute to meet the Heads of State of the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, UAE, South Korea, Japan, then a meeting with the Pope in Rome and a meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia. [7] Not to mention a planned meeting with Mr Barroso and Van Rompuy [8]
* The G7 meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in 2014
* And other bilateral meetings, more or less official and prepared, among other heads of state following their presence at the Nuclear Security Summit 2014. Officially the goal is mostly to talk about the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea, or to sign some contracts. The public communiques will mention them.
We believe that other issues, much more important but related, will be discussed: those around the current reorganization of the new international monetary and financial system.
Our analysis is that the Ukrainian crisis was triggered by the U.S. deep state in preparation for the introduction of this next reorganization. [9] This is to retain the EU in the area of U.S. domination. [9.1]
The time has come to clarify what we mean by new international monetary and financial system. We believe this is not only about launching what is already announced:
* A Development Bank for BRICS parallel to the World Bank
* A BRICS stabilization fund parallel to the IMF
* New bilateral trade agreements parallel to the WTO but to go much further.
Firstly, BRICS Development Bank is becoming a “Bank initiated by BRICS for the development of all interested parties” and whose governance is open to any state wishing to join with the framework agreement. [9.2]
Secondly, and this is the most innovative part: it is to create another parallel institution to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This is the oldest international financial institution fully governed by the West (6 permanent members and founders are the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, UK and USA, which can have a double voting weight – analogy with Obama’s meetings this week is not a coincidence [10])
BIS is the central bank of central banks, that is to say, it organizes and manage trade between them … especially those concerning physical gold. Activities related to financial regulation (the famous Basel Committee rules) were added much later, after the existence of the bank became public when it was kept secret since its inception. [10.7]
The first problem to solve for the overhaul of the international monetary and financial system is not really the choice of a new currency. This is only a means. This is primarily to ensure price stability and the development of international trade. Otherwise, the only alternative is endless war for resources that are increasingly scarce. It is therefore necessary to separate the problem of a reference currency for international trade, from that of a reserve currency for central banks.
Global geopolitical dislocation following the 2008 crisis has cut the Gordian knot: there is no need any more to make a decision for all countries (which has blocked reform for many years [10.6]). Now BRICS countries have the initiative and willingness to move forward. This will is the key factor as we wrote: [10.9]
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