The “Shocking” Buying Spree Of America’s Mysterious Third Largest Treasury Holder Ramps Higher!
- It is obvious that someone has been supporting the stock markets and US treasury market despite the announced tapering by the FedRes. The net effect is: the market is behaving like there is NO tapering. Who has the ability to create gobs of money out of thin air to support the markets? Illuminist central banksters. If the western Illuminati were to allow their US treasury market to collapse, it will be the end of their global monetary, economic and financial hegemony. There has been ‘ZERO’ tapering despite what Illuminist banksters said.
– - The day when tapering really occurs, is the day the western Illuminati pulls the plug on the entire global financial system to collapse it. The progression of the global collapse will be such that the US dollar will be last to fall ! All other fiat currencies will be attacked and fall before the US dollar falls finally. The BRICS know full well how the attack will come about: via the collapse of the financial derivatives market. That is why both Russia and China are preparing to launch their gold backed currencies. Ie. Gold will be the default currency! It will protect their country from the coming global currency collapse.
– - The “Shocking” Buying Spree Of America’s Mysterious Third Largest Treasury Holder Ramps Higher!
by Tyler Durden,
When we reported last month that in a shocking twist, “Belgium” holdings of Treasurys had soared by a massive amount in the past three months, making the tiny country the third largest holder of US paper, our Belgian readers took offsense alleging it is impossible that Belgium itself could be buying all this paper, explaining it was all Euroclear. Well, yes: we know and noted that, which is why those same readers probably should have actually read the part in the post which said: “our question is: just who is Belgium being used as a front for?
Recall that for years, the “UK” line item on TIC data was simply offshore accounts transaction on behalf of China. Of course, since China hasn’t added any net US paper holdings in the past year, the UK, and China, are both irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. ”
So yes, to clarify for our trigger-happy Belgian (non) readers: it is quite clear that Belgium itself is not the buyer. What is not clear is who the mysterious buyer using Belgium as a front is. Because that same “buyer”, who to further explain is not China, just bought another whopping $31 billion in Treasurys in February, bringing the “Belgian” total to a record $341.2 billion, cementing “it”, or rather whoever the mysterious name behind the Euroclear buying rampage is, as the third largest holder of US Treasurys, well above the hedge fund buying community, also known as Caribbean Banking Centers, which held $300 billion in March.
In summary: someone, unclear who, operating through Belgium and most likely the Euroclear service (possible but unconfirmed), has added a record $141 billion in Treasurys since December, or the month in which Bernanke announced the start of the Taper, bringing the host’s total to an unprecedented $341 billion!
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