NATO Desperate To Prove Russia Is Ready To Invade Ukraine, But Defending Ukraine Risks Thermonuclear World War III !

- NATO Desperate To Prove Russia Is Ready To Invade Ukraine, But Defending Ukraine Risks Thermonuclear World War III !
The war of the satellite pictures has broken out! On Thursday, NATO commander Breedlove posted a series of five images on his Twitter feed, purporting to show the Russian military buildup to the east of the Ukrainian border. Four of them show military vehicles and other equipment in fenced off areas, allegedly mostly in various locations in Krasnodar, Rostov, and near the Ukrainian border directly east of Kiev. The fifth one shows a small part of the Primorko-Akhtarsk air base in Krasnodar with a handful of Sukhoi fighters parked on the ramp and six helicopters parked on taxiways. Breedlove claims that all of the images were taken March 22 to 28, 2014. The Russian Defense Ministry immediately responded with an anonymous source on the General Staff telling RIA Novosti that the pictures are clearly what Breedlove says they are, except that they were taken last Summer, during actual military exercises in the region.
NATO responded with another release, this time with four sets of additional images showing some locations taken last Summer that show no activity, and some taken in March showing new activity. This, therefore, “proves” that Russia is engaged in a military buildup near Ukraine’s border regions.
An examination of the Primorko-Akhtarsk air base on Google Earth shows that it is already an active airbase. The Google Earth image, dated Aug. 8, 2013, shows only two helicopters, but there are 60 tactical aircraft lining the ramp from one end to the other. While the “before” and “after” images in NATO’s second release do show changes in activity at the locations depicted, the resolution of the images, as posted by NATO, is too small for the untrained eye to determined what kind of activity it is.
While NATO is thus trying to prove Russia is ready to invade Ukraine, NATO is moving forces closer to Russia. The U.S.S. Donald Cook entered the Black Sea, Thursday, on its way to “reassure” U.S. allies in the Black Sea region. The French intelligence ship Dupuy de Lôme also went into the Black Sea. U.S. and Romanian jets began air exercises, while the Romanian Foreign Minister is calling for an even larger NATO presence in his country. “Romania has concrete expectations of a redeployment and an eastward repositioning of NATO’s naval, air and ground forces,” Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean said. “The Black Sea region must be a top priority for NATO and the EU.”
But would the United States fight for Ukraine? Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel told the current Ukrainian Defense Minister by phone on Thursday, that the United States “stands” with the Ukrainian people. “If we’re willing to fight for Ukraine, we could surely eject a Russian invasion force given some time to deploy, whether today’s EUCOM force is augmented or not,” strategic analyst Stephen Biddle of the Council on Foreign Relations told USA Today. “But this would risk nuclear World War III over a country that the great majority of Americans are unwilling to fight for.”
The first part of his statement is debatable—after all, in modern history, two European armies have invaded Russia and both were destroyed—but the second part of his statement is true regardless, though such a war would not be about Ukraine, as such, but about the British Empire seeking to eradicate all resistance to its bankrupt imperial system.

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