Russia (And China) Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too!
- The Illuminati’s philosophy is always to control/own all sides in a conflict! They create 2 opposing systems/sides and then set them into conflict with one another. Out of the ensuing destruction, chaos, violence …. they will bring out their pre-planned solution! The Satanic methodology: Order Out of Chaos via the Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, pre-Planned Solution or Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis.
- Communism was a creation of the Satanic cabal, the Synagogue of Satan running the operation out of their Mammon subsidiary Wall Street. The Nazism monster was also their creation. These are pretty well documented historical fact. See Professor Sutton’s books bottom of post!
- Communism was brought into China by the Synagogue of Satan! Here are the evidence:
Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China,who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro,an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance). [2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie‘
Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history‘.– David Rockefeller
“Stalin was also a Zionist. He was the son of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and the brother of Chairman Mao.”—New Zealand A Blackmailer’s Guide by Greg Hallett
- The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China!—-[2012 Book] 9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic by Edward Hendrie
- The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China!
Another revelation that U.S.A. and western journalists and historians are prohibited from writing about concerns the Jewish origins of Mao Tse Tung’s Red Chinese revolution. In fact, Mao was a stupid and inept Chinese peasant who was schooled by Skull and Bonesmen and initiated into the internationalist Masonic Lodge by socialist Jews from the United States. This was done with the tacit permission of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 32nd degree Mason and, later, President Harry S. Truman a 33rd degree Mason.
Mao all along has been a closely-controlled puppet of Jewish revolutionaries – men like Israel Epstein and Sidney Shapiro, who lived in China and had the reins of power over two key areas of Beijing’s Communist Government—the treasury (money) and the media (propaganda). Interestingly, Zionist Jews hold sway over these same two essential instruments of government today in the United States.
- Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too!
by Brandon Smith, Activist Post
Numerous cultures have had holidays dedicated to the celebration of pulling the wool over the eyes of others, from the ancient Romans, to early Muslims, to medieval Christians, to Americans and Europeans today. As April begins, we once again turn a mischievous eye to the concept of the fool and, as always, each person seeks to be the prankster and never the victim.
Unfortunately, even the most vigilant of Americans can sometimes be led astray by a clever ruse, and I believe this is taking place today in the Liberty Movement’s perception of the rising “tensions” between Russia and the West.
In my article Ukraine Crisis: Just Another Globalist-Engineered Powder Keg, I outlined the history of false paradigms and engineered conflicts between numerous nations, including how these conflicts are exploited by global money interests to consolidate and centralize social and political power. The birth of communist Russia, in particular, was directly funded by Western banks and supported with arms and military aid from the U.S. government itself. These sorts of startling facts are not taught in schools and universities exactly because the continued dominance of the money elite relies on continued misrepresentations of legitimate history.
Many in the Liberty Movement have studied and are well aware of the central banking cabal and its stranglehold on the U.S. and Europe. But strangely, some people refuse to acknowledge the substantial possibility that global bankers are also in control of Russia and are playing both sides of the burgeoning economic war.
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