The Vaccination Myth!
- Published on Apr 1, 2014
Despite the wide-spread imposition of school vaccination requirements, many states provide exemptions for medical, religious, and, to a lesser extent, philosophical reasons. These provisions vary by state, with medical exemptions for children who may suffer adverse effects from the vaccine being the most common. For example, in Colorado and most other states, an exemption from the vaccination requirements may be obtained by submitting to the school a certification from a licensed physician that “the physical condition of the student is such that one or more specified immunizations would endanger his or her life or health or is medically contradicted due to other medical conditions.”
On this Tuesday, April 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex returns to the airwaves to break down the day’s important news stories, including the flawed roll-out of government healthcare at gunpoint, details on the impending Bilderberg globalist shindig in Denmark, and the continuing crisis over Ukraine as NATO and the United States up the ante and prepare for war.