Top Ten REAL Medical Conspiracies that Actually Happened !
- Top ten REAL medical conspiracies that actually happened!
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of
The mainstream media is focused this week on trying to convince you that “medical conspiracy theories” are whacky and untrue. Published by Reuters, USA Today and other mainstream media outlets, a false story based on distorted research is now trying to convince you that there is no such thing as a “medical conspiracy.” No, drug companies never conducted experiments on children, killing many in the process. No, the NIH never took part in criminal medical experiments on prisoners. No, the U.S. government never lied to you, or covered up natural cures, or conspired with Big Pharma. GMOs were created by people who LOVE the ecosystem, too!
That’s the nonsense we’re all supposed to believe, according to the mainstream media.
By invoking the phrase “conspiracy theories,” junk science authors and corporate-sellout journalists try to marginalize the true history of Big Pharma felony crimes, medical experiments on children, factual government collusion with industry and the incredible harm which has been perpetrated on the American people by the medical industrial complex.
In fact, the mainstream media’s coverage of all this is truly Orwellian, as if the Ministry of Truth is trying to rewrite U.S. history to eliminate all the parts where drug companies, the NIH and the U.S. government quite literally murdered prisoners, blacks, babies and soldiers in the name of “scientific medicine.”
I refuse to gloss over the history of TRUE medical conspiracies and all the lives lost to the destructive pursuit of medical profits at the expense of human dignity. So to answer the mainstream media’s delusional attempt to gloss over the real history of true medical conspiracies, we’ve put together the top ten TRUE medical conspiracies along with links to sources.
Read and learn the true history the mainstream media is trying to erase!
Top ten TRUE medical conspiracies
#1) Pfizer conducts medical experiments on Nigerian children – In 2009 (and in subsequent years, as follow-up), we reported on how giant drug maker Pfizer was ordered to compensate Nigerian families after conducting illegal medical experimentation that left scores of Nigerian children either deaddamaged:
The case began in 1996, when Pfizer needed a human trial to gain approval for its new antibiotic Trovan. When an epidemic of meningitis, cholera and measles broke out in Kano, Nigeria, the company quickly put together a research team and flew them to that country. Pfizer set up a tent right near the medical station where Doctors Without Borders were giving free treatments and recruited 200 children to participate in an unlicensed drug trial.
Parents say they were not told that proven medications were being distributed only yards away, that their children were being enrolled in a drug trial, or that animal studies had suggested that Trovan could cause liver and joint damage.
Eleven of the 200 children in the study died, and parents claim that others suffered from brain damage, organ failure and other severe side effects.
#2) Illegal price fixing to cheat the American people and state governments out of billions – Apparently, the Big Government / Big Pharma cabal in Washington would have you believe that drug makers only have your best interests in mind, not their profits or power.
In fact, for years drug makers have regularly conspired to engage in illegal price fixing, as evidenced by numerous lawsuits and court. As I previously reported:
In what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.
According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline:
• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs
• Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical patients
And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK doesn’t even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as usual.
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