Obama’s Ukraine Fiasco Will Trigger US-EU Economic Ruin…!
- “Whether the US-EU juggernaut plan to use the Ukraine aggression and counter-aggression pretext as a lead-up to a full blown World War 3 scenario remains to be seen. Quite realistically, a world war is perhaps the only way the US and EU can save themselves from imminent economic collapse and financial cataclysm.” – Quote
– - Obama’s Ukraine Fiasco Will Trigger US-EU Economic Ruin…!
by Michael Thomas, http://www.storyleak.com/
If the Western Powers continue this staged revolution by proxy and pretense
The Ukraine Revolution was designed and manufactured in the capitals of the US, UK and other EU member states for at least three reasons: (i) as a means of distraction, (ii) as a fabricated opportunity to ‘save’ the EU from certain implosion and (iii) as a ruse to jump start the US out of its economic recession and the EU out of its financial depression.
However, these are not the primary reasons for such an international debacle instigated by the same suspects. Were the truth generally known about the real state of affairs throughout the EU, and within the US economy, the true purposes behind the Ukraine coup d’etat would become transparent. In both cases, the situation is beyond dire. And it was sheer desperation that motivated the primary instigators (US & EU) to implement such a reckless and flawed plan of attack against the sovereignty of the Ukraine.
The US house of cards is at a tipping point. If and when it is exposed, it will take a lot of other nations with it. Obama’s financial policies, willful neglect of the economy and a Perfect Storm of failed legislation (like Obamacare) have pushed the nation to the very brink. His Administration’s focus, and waste of precious time and energy, on extraordinarily destructive social policies has likewise squandered the few opportunities to address the most pressing matters this country faces. Matters so serious that they pose existential threats to the Republic.
On the other side of the pond, we have the EU that is literally a hairsbreadth away from total collapse. And they know it. Which is why they collaborated in the Ukraine coup d’état. It was truly a last ditch effort to plunder yet another nation for their wealth in the hope that the Eurozone might be artificially propped up for another year or two. If only the Ukrainian people knew what they don’t know. They are being courted so aggressively by the EU only for their natural resource wealth, gold reserves, oil and gas conduits, missile deployment area against Russia, and strategic geopolitical location.
Whether the US-EU juggernaut plan to use the Ukraine aggression and counter-aggression pretext as a lead-up to a full blown World War 3 scenario remains to be seen. Quite realistically, a world war is perhaps the only way the US and EU can save themselves from imminent economic collapse and financial cataclysm. Because the world has been mired in such a deep economic depression for well over five years — the greatest since the Great Depression of the early 1930s — things are beginning to look very desperate. The mainstream media has been successful at hiding this 2nd Great Depression since 2008, but can do so no longer. Witness the movements to secede by Scotland and Venice as examples, as well as threats by Texas and Vermont, such is the desperation.
As the Anglo-American Axis goes, so goes the rest of Western Civilization
On the American front, there is always the plot afoot to involve the USA in as many wars as possible. Such a strategy has been obviously effective at indebting the nation to obscene levels, thereby pushing interest payments on the national debt through the roof. It has also stretched the capacity of the US military to breaking points not experienced since WWII. There are many other serious consequences, such as the enormous social costs associated with GI suicide rates, not to mention the stresses on the Veterans Administration and many other government agencies.
Just like the fatally flawed Obamacare was engineered to accelerate the destruction of the USA, this war-in-the-making in Crimea was contrived to chew up more political capital and good will, treasure and blood, time and energy. In so doing it will serve to distract the attention of every American citizen because of it’s obvious dangers and needless risks should TPTB choose to escalate it. Although it is clearly a misguided venture that will have terrible repercussions for all countries concerned, those who marshall the process forward from on high have a much BIGGER agenda which will be taken up in our next article on this subject.
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