Obama, Queen Elizabeth II And Thermonuclear World War 3! The Anglo-Dutch Illuminati Planned Genocide of 6 Billion!
“… treason against the human species as well. Because the intention here is global. We have now 7 billion people on this planet estimated and the Queen of England together with our Dutch accomplices have set forth a policy for the reduction of the human population as rapidly as possible from 7 billion people to 1 (billion) or less. That is the policy of the Queen of England. That is the policy of the Dutch system.” – Lyndon LaRouche 18:10 onwards
- The world is ruled by a Satanic cabal centred in Europe. They are the Satanic bloodlines, the Old Black (as in Evil) Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy. These are the seed of the serpent (the fallen serpent “gods” ie fallen seraphim, fallen angels). These people trace their ancestry to the hybrids: “sons of God and daughters of man” of Genesis 6. They are the Nephilim offsprings from a forbidden union between fallen angels and women.
– - The Illuminati’s plan calls for global economic, financial and currency collapse and their Satanic World War 3! It is a planned genocide of 6 billion people. The seed of the serpent is simply laying the groundwork for the coming of their fake messiah, the Anti-Christ, the Man of Sin, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6. What we are seeing now is the set up for and planned execution of the Satanic World War 3. The Illuminati are laying the pieces for a complete detonation of the current world order.
“Estulin mentioned that the wholesale destruction of the world’s economy is not an accident, nor is it a miscalculation or the result of political shenanigans. This destruction is being done on purpose, absolutely on purpose. Estulin revealed that his Bilderberg insider told him that the slave masters on this planet want to collapse the economy, force people into the stack and pack cities of mega millions and then exterminate most of humanity. Estulin and I explored the methods that the super elite may use to exterminate 90% of all people on this planet.” – Quote
- Matthew 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
– - “The Queen of England has been the leader of this policy! Saying the necessity is to reduce the human population on the planet from 7 billion people approximately to less than 1 (billion)! That’s her policy and she said it again and again and again! That’s the policy of her regime, the monarchy, is genocide!” – Quote Lyndon LaRouche
– - “The British Crown is on record promoting a policy of mass population reduction from the current level of 7 billion people down to 1-2 billion.”– Quote
– - See also:
LaRouche: Obama’s Policies Are Mass Murdering Americans! The Planned Illuminati Genocide of 6 Billion!
Lyndon Larouche: Obama Administration’s War Lies! The Path to Thermonuclear WW3 and the Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Rachel Brown: LaRouche Was Right, Obama Means Genocide! The Illuminati’s Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Lyndon LaRouche: Rapid Population Reduction Policy Implemented by The Illuminati! The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Lyndon LaRouche: The Moment of Our Greatest Crisis! Thermonuclear World War And The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion!