Col. (R) Lawrence Wilkerson Warns: “The Nuclear Option Will Occur in Asia”! Current U.S. Asia Policy Leads to Nuclear War!
Col. (R) Lawrence Wilkerson Warns: “The Nuclear Option Will Occur in Asia”!
Lawrence Wilkerson, a 31-year U.S. Army veteran, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, and a former associate director of the State Department’s Policy Planning staff, warns that the current U.S. Asia policy leads to nuclear war.
In a Foreign Policy in Focus piece reprinted in the Asia Times, Wilkerson says that the ill-defined “Asia Pivot” comes down to a “set-up for catastrophic events to come. A short exercise illustrates the point.”
“At the top of a letter-sized piece of paper, write ‘China’ and ‘United States’ and beneath those words the allies of each country. Next, put down all the other countries of the region, using India as the pivot point and including all countries to its east. Most countries will fall into this non-aligned group. Even several countries bound by security treaty to the United States, such as the Philippines, will want to be there. Also list Russia, Turkey, and Iran because they too are in Asia, are important to Asia’s future, and are discounted only by fools.
“If we are schooled in the military arts, we immediately see from this exercise the prospect of conflict on a massive scale. Countries will side with the great power most able to compel them to do so or risk being swallowed up. At the climax of this awesome conflict, the massive land power will confront the formidable sea power. It will be an epic contest between the elephant and the shark. The shark cannot come ashore, and the elephant cannot go to sea. Their attempt to grapple with one another will create a sheer hell for everyone within proximity.
“Ultimately, as in every war game in which I have participated that played this scenario, each side will turn to nuclear weapons as the only potentially decisive device left in its arsenal. This resort to the nuclear option will occur after all the economic and cyber warfare, satellite-killer missions, area denial, air-sea battle, and other tools of power have been utterly exhausted.”
Lyndon LaRouche responded: “That’s it. This is called ‘end game.'”
EIR’s Jeff Steinberg interviewed Col. Wilkerson on Dec. 22, 2011 — see “Our Nation Needs an ‘Alert and Knowledgeable Citizenry’ To Avoid Imperial Wars and Keep a Future-Looking Economy”
Col Wilkerson concludes his article: “Is there an alternative future? Yes. Come to the Asia Institute and FPIF’s panel on Asia security on March 26, and I will describe at least one.”