Retired Navy Intel Officer Reveals Globalists True Agenda in Ukraine! Provoking Russia into Thermonuclear World War!
- Published on Mar 17, 2014
Alex and a retired navy intel officer who calls into the show, provides in-depth analysis of the latest developments in the Ukraine imbroglio as voters head to the polls to decide the fate of Crimea as the United States, the European Union and Russia jostle behind the scenes and troops and hardware are moved into place creating a worrisome scenario for peace and sanity.
- Alex Jones is joined by a retired US Navy Intel Officer who warns us that the globalists have an agenda for the Ukraine and that agenda calls for provoking Russia into a first-strike nuclear attack. Warning us that Ukraine is just a ‘throwaway country’ to the globalists, a Russian first-strike attack will allow the globalists to unleash unholy hell, a thunderous return strike in the region that will allow the globalists to complete their REAL agenda.
– - This intention of the globalists (ie. the Illuminati, the term globalists is an euphemism Alex like to use) as stated by this retired Navy Intel Officer is also the exact feedback given by Dr. Jim Willie in his interview on 9 March 2014 on Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.
“The whole point here could be provoking Putin and Russia into making a first strike. I don’t like using the n-word (meaning nukes), but if Russians make a large strike, then the U.S. is going to come back and make a strike 20 times larger and destroy the Russian nation. That could be what these desperate Nazi’s are trying to do.” – Dr. Jim Willie, 15:35 onwards
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Retired Navy Intel Officer Reveals Globalists True Agenda in Ukraine!
Published on Mar 17, 2014
Alex and a retired navy intel officer who calls into the show, provides in-depth analysis of the latest developments in the Ukraine imbroglio as voters head to the polls to decide the fate of Crimea as the United States, the European Union and Russia jostle behind the scenes and troops and hardware are moved into place creating a worrisome scenario for peace and sanity.