Pro-Vaccination Propaganda Is Backfiring Study Shows!
- Pro-Vaccination Propaganda Is Backfiring Study Shows!
by Melissa Melton,
Vaccines contain much more than just viruses. They also contain a range of ingredients that may include antibiotics, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), bovine fetal tissue, polysorbate and heavy metals like aluminum and the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal. Taking a chance on injecting that cocktail straight into a growing baby’s bloodstream, thus bypassing the majority of the child’s natural immune system and allowing it to go directly into the kid’s tiny developing brain, all to attempt to protect from a disease he or she may never even contract does seem ill-advised at best, and it’s a chance more and more parents are less likely to take these days.
A new study in the journal Pediatrics found that “public health campaigns touting vaccines’ effectiveness and debunking the links between autism and other health risks might actually be backfiring, and convincing parents to skip the shots for their kids,” according to CBS News:
“Corrections of misperceptions about controversial issues like vaccines may be counterproductive in some populations,” wrote the researchers behind one of the studies, led by Dr. Brendan Nyhan, a health care researcher at Dartmouth College in Hanover N.H. “The best response to false beliefs is not necessarily providing correct information.”
The study is, in-part, an outgrowth of the anti-vaccine fervor that has grown over the last 20 years. Much of it has centered around controversy surrounding the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
Former surgeon and current medical researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield was vilified for his research into the link between the MMR vaccine, gastrointestinal disorders and autism published in The Lancet in 1998. The establishment attacked Wakefield relentlessly, he was labeled a fraud by the British Medical Journal and The Lancet retracted his paper. It was only years later that information surfaced revealing that:
A) Wakefield wasn’t the only doctor who presented similar findings,
B) the U.S. government courts conceded that vaccines caused autism, awarding parents thousands of dollars in damages and
C) new research has confirmed the links between MMR and autism as well:
And today, scientists and physicians from Wake Forest University, New York, and Venezuela, reported findings that not only confirm the presence of intestinal disease in children with autism and intestinal symptoms, but also indicate that this disease may be novel. Using sophisticated laboratory methods Dr. Steve Walker and his colleagues endorsed Wakefield’s original findings by showing molecular changes in the children’s intestinal tissues that were highly distinctive and clearly abnormal.
From 1998 Dr. Wakefield discovered and reported intestinal disease in children with autism. Based upon the medical histories of the children he linked their disease and their autistic regression to the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR vaccine). He has since been subjected to relentless personal and professional attacks in the media, and from governments, doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. In the wake of demonstrably false and highly damaging allegations of scientific fraud by British journalist Brian Deer and the British Medical Journal, Dr. Wakefield is pursuing defamation proceedings against them in Texas.
In fact, multiple peer reviewed papers have supported Dr. Wakefield’s findings.
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