Jim Willie: The Global Currency Reset is Near! Better Described as the Return of the Gold Standard !

- The BRICS nations are using the G-20 Forum to advance gold trade settlement and its widespread implementation. The Iran-Turkish-India workarounds to the sanctions appear to have developed the prototype for gold trade settlement. Next comes the BRICS Gold Trade Central Bank, conversion of USTreasury Bonds into Gold bullion, along with over sovereign toxic paper bonds to Gold, and the adoption of Gold Trade Notes as letters of credit in trade. Lastly come the string of gold-backed currencies.” – Quote
– - “The last chance is Gold & Silver, since what comes will be like a mighty storm. In its wake, the only wealth standing will be gold, silver, resource deposits (energy, minerals, water), and farmland. Time is running low for the many citizens of the United States and the other nations of the world to wake up and benefit from their own epiphanies. It is very late, far past the eleventh hour.” – Quote
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Ugly Scenario Epiphany & Forecast Formula!
by Dr. Jim Willie, via http://www.24hgold.com/
The rabbit hole was detected long ago, leading to multiple examples of Jackass epiphany. Many clients and inquisitive followers have asked how and when the conspiracy and deep plots were recognized. A sequence occurred to produce the newfound awareness, in certain key events that reeked of suspicion, sabotage, and bad economics. The awareness began around 1990, confirmed in 2000 & 2001 with the stock bust and 911 crime scene, solidified with Lehman in 2008. The steady policy decisions were so destructive, ordered by intelligent men, that they had to be intentional. The hints were many. Certain friends, certain acquaintances, certain service veterans, certain business veterans all contributed to a perspective that has proved valuable. When the Vietnam War ended, when the Middle East hot spot never went away, when the American industry began to be dispatched to the Pacific Rim, when labor unions went too far, when presidential politics became absurd displays of Manchurian candidates, when the United States required a procession of fabricated enemies, when the financial sector boasted of victorious superiority, when the American diet turned into a carnival fantasy, when the American public turned into health freaks and Big Pharma subjects, when the genocide projects came to the fore, when the US Press turned into a propaganda megaphone, when technology was directed toward fascist forces, the Jackass had challenges in life and in industry blessed by certain accomplishments but also beset by frustations as well.
The lights went on many times from 1975 to 2003, slowly at first but faster as the decades racked up. Along the way, the Jackass exited the Matrix. My life has had numerous successes, numerous setbacks, many ugly realizations, and much exposure to a deeply flawed US State of the Union. A certain geopolitical force was detected. It did not like America, not at all, but it was hidden. Many are its agents and tools. Its dark knights were few, most with extreme success stories and baron status. Their symbols are scattered across American landscape, entering lives in subtle manner, most prominently on the back of a $1 bill. After the turn of the millennium, much changed. Darkness extended its shadow.
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