Dr. Bill Deagle & Harley Schlanger: LaRouche Says “WWIII Has Already Begun”!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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Stockman – $500 Trillion Derivative Bomb Threatens The World! by www.kingworldnews.com Today David Stockman warned King World News that a terrifying $500 trillion derivative bomb threatens the entire world. He also went on to caution about a second danger facing the world. KWN takes Stockman’s warnings very seriously because he is the man former President …
David Stockman – This Financial Collapse Will Be Catastrophic! by www.kingworldnews.com Today David Stockman stunned when he warned King World News that the Fed’s massive trading room “is a weapon of financial mass destruction.” Stockman also warned about the enormous danger of the Fed’s continued interventions in major markets. KWN takes Stockman’s warning very seriously …
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz8_qzdDdM4] Israeli Army’s Mistreatment of Palestinian Children: Australian TV Dares to Show the Real Occupation! by Jonathan Cook, jonathan-cook.net, http://www.globalresearch.ca/ I never thought I would see it. A mainstream TV programme, this one made by Australian channel ABC, that shows the occupation in all its inhuman horror. – The 45-minute investigative film concerns the Israeli …
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T14TIMr9EOg] Published on Feb 11, 2014 Today’s show is about money. In today’s headline story, all eyes were fixed on Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen, who delivered her first public remarks to the US House Financial-Services Committee. In addition, in a lawsuit filed on Monday, the non-profit group Better Markets has challenged the constitutionality of the …
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ioSiKS6zN4] Uploaded on Dec 19, 2011 European Union leaders met with the Grand Masters of Europe to discuss about the European future. On 30 November 2011, the European Union held a joint meeting with the Grand Lodges and Grand Orients of Europe to speak about the democracy and prosperity partnership as a form of promotion …
Europe Considers Wholesale Savings Confiscation, Enforced Redistribution! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com At first we thought Reuters had been punk’d in its article titled “EU executive sees personal savings used to plug long-term financing gap” which disclosed the latest leaked proposal by the European Commission, but after several hours without a retraction, we realized that the …
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPxTRo1KVfI] We are witnessing what Satanist, Occultist Alice Bailey called: The Externalization of the Hierarchy. Satanists, Luciferians, Occultists …. (and their ‘craft’) are revealing themselves publicly more and more! This is to set the stage for the coming One World Religion ie. Satanism/Luciferianism to prepare the way for the coming of the Man of Sin, …
“Historic”, “Catastrophic” Winter Storm Paralyzes Atlanta As Pax Creeps Up East Coast! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com Not a week seems to pass without yet another “historic” winter storm assuring that virtually all winter economic data so far in 2014 can be ignored… if it is bad that is – if the data is good, it’s …
No Janet Yellen, The Economy Is NOT “Getting Better”! by Michael Snyder, http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/ On Tuesday, new Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen went before Congress and confidently declared that “the economic recovery gained greater traction in the second half of last year” and that “substantial progress has been made in restoring the economy to health”. This …
Suicide or suicided? Or is it horizontalized? ‘Accidental’ death by walking into the path of a moving locomotive! A piano so happened to decide to fall on him! Some stray bullets fired in Afghanistan so happened to hit him smack on the head and heart! – Another JPMorgan Banker Dies, 37 Year Old Executive Director …
If you believe the US government’s unemployment rate of 6.6%, I have a bridge in Jupiter I would like to sell your for only US$1million. You can collect toll for the next 1000 years! – 91 million Americans aren’t looking for jobs! by http://money.cnn.com/ The unemployment rate isn’t always the best measure of the job …