Coming Global Collapse Will Eclipse The Terror Of 2008!

- Coming Global Collapse Will Eclipse The Terror Of 2008!
Today the man who has been one of the most accurate in the world at calling movements in gold warned King World News that the coming collapse will be far worse than the terror that engulfed the world 5 or 6 years ago. William Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions, also warned KWN that the reaction by global governments to this coming collapse will be incredibly alarming for ordinary citizens.
Eric King: “Based on what you’ve been communicating to KWN, it appears you firmly believe that the 2008/2009 collapse is nothing compared to what’s in front of us?
Kaye: “That’s right. The 2008 collapse was just a warning shot. That’s all it was. And the reaction by governments around the world was simply one of panic….
My fear is that as social unrest breaks out pretty much everywhere, the governments of the world will use this as an opportunity to increase the ‘Orwellian’ police state. We have already seen signs of this in many countries, including the United States. But governments will crack down even further. So that will mean a further loss of freedoms for ordinary citizens, under the premise of restoring social order. I view these trends as quite disturbing and leading to a future that is increasingly fascist in my view.”
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