US Warns Israel Over Apparent Distortion of John Kerry Statements! Political Theatre BS!
- All these disagreements, disputes between US and Zionist ‘666’ Israel (the Satanic counterfeit) are just political theatre for sheeple consumption! Middle East peace is not their objective. It is war, as in the Greater Middle East War, Satanic World War 3!
– - The purpose of the current staged theatre, show … by these Illuminist politician snakes, actors … is to sell the illusion that America and Zionist ‘666’ Israel are in disagreement and conflict over policies. It is to lay the groundwork for the triggering of the Greater Middle East War, most likely, via an attack by Zionist ‘666’ Israel (the Satanic counterfeit) on Iran. Zionist ‘666’ Israel will be painted as a rogue state acting independently and beyond the control or advisement of the United States. This is of course total BS!
– - The western Illuminati intends to fight this coming Greater Middle East War via their proxies mainly Zionist ‘666’ Israel (and Saudi Arabia controlled by the Jewish House of Saud). The Russian Illuminati will also fight this war via their proxies: Iran and Syria. Both the western Illuminati and Russian Illuminati do not want a thermonuclear confrontation between US+NATO vs Russia. They want a total annihilation of both the Muslim world and Zionist ‘666’ Israel as outlined in Albert Pike’s Satanic World War 3. Many Christian sheeple will fall when Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit is destroyed. They have been misled about this entity. It is NOT the Israel of the Bible! Modern Ashkenazi Khazar Jews (90+% of modern Jewry) are NOT semitic people, NOT the biological descendents of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob! Ie. they are Gentiles!
– - Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. …. more!