Wayne Madsen: Inside The Ukrainian Revolution!
- Published on Jan 28, 2014
Wayne Madsen details the movement of George Soros’ “Revolutionaries” and the destabilization goal in the Ukraine.Spilna Sprava, translated as “The Right Deed,” is an Open Society Institute supported and funded group. George Soros’ Open Society Institute, now known as Open Society Foundations (OSF), doles out grants to activist NGOs in central Europe attempting to undermine the Russian Federation. It builds upon and continues the work of the Ford Foundation. Since the early 1950s, the CIA has used the Ford Foundation as a funding cover.
the insanity and madness has many stages .and worst of all stages is gridiness to become a god and to decide who will die to day and who will live ….till the demented iluminati the masons and the juish bank owners needed them .the satan seed is all over the planet . through the past decades the way this monsters acts has changed .now they have a human wrigts watch [ my ass] and coudts of justice .. but they are created only to protect murderers and motherf…… s .mercineris
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