Global Elite Prepare For Global Extermination!
- Matthew 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
– - “The Queen of England has been the leader of this policy! Saying the necessity is to reduce the human population on the planet from 7 billion people approximately to less than 1 (billion)! That’s her policy and she said it again and again and again! That’s the policy of her regime, the monarchy, is genocide!” – Quote Lyndon LaRouche
– - “The British Crown is on record promoting a policy of mass population reduction from the current level of 7 billion people down to 1-2 billion.”– Quote
– - See also:
LaRouche: Obama’s Policies Are Mass Murdering Americans! The Planned Illuminati Genocide of 6 Billion!
Lyndon Larouche: Obama Administration’s War Lies! The Path to Thermonuclear WW3 and the Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Rachel Brown: LaRouche Was Right, Obama Means Genocide! The Illuminati’s Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Lyndon LaRouche: Rapid Population Reduction Policy Implemented by The Illuminati! The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion People!
Lyndon LaRouche: The Moment of Our Greatest Crisis! Thermonuclear World War And The Planned Genocide of 6 Billion!
Who give this Beast 666 daily life eating – he eating any animal waste/ sand !! when he coming or borne this world just open .bk.john
Project L.U.C.I.D.—The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System: It’s frightening, and it’s real. In this stunning book, noted author Texe Marrs unravels the secrets of Project L.U.C.I.D., the covert government operation destined to devour the whole world. Soon, every person on Earth—even newborn babies—will be issued the universal biometrics I.D. card. Resisters will have a mind control biochip surgically implanted in their brains. The ISO 9000 program requires that all manufactured goods be controlled with the number of the beast, 666. Click on image to goto pdf E-book!