Missing Gold, Mega Default in China, Massive Losses at Deutsche Bank!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5kmf25hHYg] Published on Jan 21, 2014 Alex discuss breaking news that FEMA has ordered a 40 yard dumpster in preparations for a national pandemic, the laws passed in Russia for the incoming Olympics. end
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gwueYRaB0k] [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjIMs1rZJnY] end
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4u2xpzcmDk] [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVg64InmYQI] [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH5sDDh71WE]
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqZXakDjpR8] CIA-connected Terror Group Issues Threat Ahead of Russian Olympic Games! by Kurt Nimmo, www.infowars.com Group loyal to Shamil Basayev, a Chechen warlord trained by the CIA in Afghanistan – Vilayat Dagestan, a Salafist terror group loyal to Shamil Basayev, has taken credit for the Volgograd bombing in late December that claimed the lives of …
The $23 Trillion Credit Bubble In China Is Starting To Collapse – Global Financial Crisis Next? by Michael Snyder, http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/ Did you know that financial institutions all over the world are warning that we could see a “mega default” on a very prominent high-yield investment product in China on January 31st? We are being told …
“China Expected To Announce It Has More Than Doubled Its Gold Reserves”, Shanghai Daily! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com The topic of China’s below the radar accumulation of gold is nothing new: first revealed here in September 2011 as part of a Wikileaks intercept, watchers of Chinese gold imports have been stunned by the ravenous pace …
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IR4_0nK7gA] Scientist exposes flu shots lies and doom-and-gloom media propaganda! by
“It’s Gotta Be Close”! by Bill Holter, http://blog.milesfranklin.com/ The title “It’s gotta be close” is a direct quote from John Embry. For those of you who don’t know John, he works side by side with Eric Sprott and is probably the preeminent mind when it comes to mining companies. “It’s gotta be close” was John’s …
Zionists covered up Sharon’s horrific words, deeds! by Dr Kevin Barrett, http://www.presstv.ir/ Ariel Sharon embodied the pure, unmitigated evil of Zionism. He was a war criminal, a terrorist, a mass murderer, a torturer, a rapist. The French term “genocidaire” also applies. – But Sharon did have one redeeming quality: He occasionally told the awful truth …
Syria: False U.S. Intelligence on Sarin Gas – The Mistaken Guns of Last August! by Robert Parry, Consortiumnews, via http://www.globalresearch.ca/ After hundreds of Syrians died from Sarin gas last summer, Secretary of State Kerry insisted the U.S. had solid intelligence on the locations of the Syrian government’s launch sites used in the attack, thus justifying …
Physical Gold Shortage Goes Mainstream! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com While the topic of rehypothecation and the shortage of physical gold is well covered here at Zero Hedge (and the ever-changing COMEX gold vaults’ inventories), it appears the concept of the exploding “leverage” or default risk of the COMEX has now hit the mainstream media. As …
Philippine Navy Adds to Regional Arms Build-Up! by Luke Hunt, http://thediplomat.com/, 17 Jan 2014 ASEAN navies expand in response to China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. – The Philippine navy hopes to add two more warships to its fleet as Southeast Asian countries continue to expand their militaries in response to the Chinese …
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0rGaWcRiNo] Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The FedRes Do Not Have Any More Gold ! by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts is making some bold new claims about the Federal Reserve and its official government gold holdings. Dr. Roberts contends, “They don’t have any more gold. That’s why they can only …
The world is returning to the gold standard. Part of the agenda in this coming global currency reset is the launching of a One World Currency backed by gold under the IMF. In Mr Gold, Jim Sinclair’s expert opinion: – The Great Reset = The new monetary system made up of: – 1. A virtual …