Yet Another Vaccine Researcher Caught Faking Research; Vaccine Industry Riddled with Scientific Fraud !
- Yet another vaccine researcher caught faking research; vaccine industry riddled with scientific fraud!
by Mike Adams,
Yet another vaccine researcher has been caught faking research on a bogus AIDS vaccine, adding to the pattern of scientific fraud and criminality that characterizes the modern-day vaccine industry. Dr. Dong-Pyou Han from Iowa State University has resigned this week after admitting he spiked rabbit blood samples with healthy human blood to falsely show the presence of antibodies that would “prove” his AIDS vaccine worked.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was so convinced by the fraud that they gave Han $19 million in research funding. The NIH later found the fraud after attempting to replicate Han’s work and figuring out something was terribly wrong with the research.
Newly-released federal documents reveal the stunning breadth of the fraud. As the findings state:
[The investigation] found that the Respondent falsified results in research to develop a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) by intentionally spiking samples of rabbit sera with antibodies to provide the desired results. The falsification made it appear that rabbits immunized with the gp41-54 moiety of the HIV gp41 glycoprotein induced antibodies capable of neutralizing a broad range of HIV-1 strains.
A summary of the fraud was also posted on, a site that frequently posts details of Big Pharma research fraud.
Merck vaccine scientists blew the whistle on similar fraud inside Big Pharma
Han’s $19 million vaccine research fraud eerily resembles the vaccine industry fraud exposed by former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski. In a little-known False Claims Act filing, these two scientists accused Merck of spiking mumps vaccine blood tests with animal antibodies in order to make the vaccines appear to be effective.
This fraud is what allowed Merck to falsely claim its mumps vaccine is 95% effective, say the scientist whistleblowers. In reality, the fraudulent Merck mumps vaccine actually contributed to the spread of mumps across America, they explain.
The spread of mumps, of course, results in more people buying mumps vaccines. This is how scientific fraud can produce enormous profits for vaccine companies. In many cases, vaccines actually spread the disease they claim to prevent.
The fact that an AIDS vaccine research has now been caught faking his bogus AIDS vaccine in precisely the same way Merck scientists say Merck faked their vaccine tests is yet another significant red flag that screams the obvious: the vaccine industry is riddled with scientific fraud.
No punishment for scientific fraud
For being caught stealing $19 million in taxpayer grant money and faking AIDS vaccine research, Dr. Dong-Pyou Han is merely barred from receiving government contract money for the next three years. No jail time. No criminal charges. Not even an effort to force him to repay the funds he essentially stole.
Vaccine manufacturers, too, are routinely caught engaging in widespread bribery and committing multiple felony crimes. GlaxoSmithKline, for example, admitted to committing multiple felonies in a recent settlement with the Department of Justice.
Pfizer has also admitted to committing felony crimes, yet all these companies — GSK, Pfizer, Merck and more — remain free to do business with the very same governments they routinely defraud.
In the vaccine industry, fraud is part of the corporate culture, and it’s found in the fraudulent science, drug price fixing, widespread bribery of doctors, the faking of “scientific” evidence and the industry’s payoffs to the mainstream media in the form of advertising money.
Nearly all vaccines are founded on fraud
Now you understand why most vaccines don’t work. Flu shots don’t prevent the flu. Mumps and measles vaccines actually cause mumps and measles. Polio vaccines cause widespread paralysis and polio-like symptoms.
It is an historical fact — a fact the CDC has desperately tried to cover up — that 98 million Americans were injected with polio vaccines laced with cancer-causing viruses. The CDC recently scrubbed this historical information from its website in part of a revisionist history scheme.
It is also a fact that former Merck scientists Dr. Maurine Hilleman openly admitted — on tape! — that vaccines contained huge numbers of cancer-causing “stealth” viruses. Click here for the shocking transcript of the recording by Dr. Hilleman.
Here’s just a small snippet of that transcript:
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