Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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Washington’s “Asian Pivot” and China’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). US-China Power Play in the South China Sea! by Bryce White, China’s decision last month to announce a new Air Defense Identification Zone, and the near-collision of U.S. and Chinese ships in the South China Sea, are only the latest moves in East Asia …
Dollar Hegemony,“Monetary Geopolitics” and the IMF: The Symbiosis between Global Finance and Power Politics! by José Miguel Alonso Trabanco, The following article is part II of a longer text pertaining to Hegemonic Currencies and Monetary Geopolitics. – Part I of this text is Honey Traps”: The Strauss-Kahn Affair, A Stealthy Coup d’état at the …
[youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] Sir Gerald Kaufmann (UK Jewish MP): “My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town. A German soldier shot her dead in her bed. “My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. ” – “The present Israeli government ruthlessly …
Far beyond the Stasi; global secret surveillance has created ‘delusionary nightmare’! by J. D. Heyes, (NaturalNews) Many political observers have asked, rhetorically, “What would malevolent dictators like Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler have been able to ‘accomplish’ if they had access to the technology that exists today?” – As cruel and inhumane as they …
Manipulations Rule The Markets — Paul Craig Roberts! by The Federal Reserve’s announcement on December 18 that beginning in January its monthly purchases of mortgage-backed financial instruments and US Treasury bonds would each be cut by $5 billion is puzzling, as is the financial press’s account of the market’s response. – The Federal Reserve …
“These events will lead to the rise of a new, likely digital, global currency.” – Quote Phase 1 of the introduction of the new One World Currency is about to happen. In this phase, this One World Currency will only be used government to government, central bank to central bank, settlement of trade at the …
This Ends In A “Planned Economy” – Bundesbank President! by When Jens Weidmann, President of the emasculated Bundesbank and member of the ECB’s Governing Council, speaks, central bankers and money printers worldwide stuff wax into their ears. – “Caution – the euro crisis is far from over.” That’s what he dared to tell the WirtschaftsWoche, …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 21, 2013 The Pentagon has secured a 630 billion dollar budget for next year even though it’s failed to even account for the money it’s received since 1996. A whopping 8.5 trillion dollars of taxpayer cash have gone to defence programmes – none of which has been audited. This black budget …
US ‘defense’ spending (‘defense’ is a euphemism for WAR!) is well above US$1 trillion when all the discretionary spending have been added. It is above 50% of taxes collected. America is a WAR economy! The Pentagon is simply a mercenary arm of the western Illuminati. Its objective is world conquest to build a Luciferian New …