Neuro Linguistic Programming Demonstration: "The Best Way to Manipulate People is to Put Thoughts in Their Minds & Let Them Think They Are Their Own!"
“The Best Way to Manipulate People is to Put Thoughts in Their Minds & Let Them Think They Are Their Own!”
“You are a SOMEBODY when you drive an expensive Mercedes, BMW, Volvo … car!”
- “You need that X-Box, Playstation!”
- “You are sexually more appealing when you have that can of beer in your hand!”
- “You are smarter/superior than/to others!”
- “You know more than others! Your judgement is better than others!”
- “Al Qaeda terrorists are out to get you!”
- “The US government is here to save you from terrorists!”
- “You must only listen to the official views from the official media. Do not believe all these conspiracy theories. The people behind them are loonies!”
- “Big Pharma is in the business of finding cures for our sickness! Not profits!”
- “Drones are to fight terrorism! They only kill terrorists!”
- “People who talk about UFOs and Aliens are mentally unstable!”
- Believe! Believe! Believe! What is the crutch you are holding on to which enslaves you to falsehood?
- Sheeple: Easily deceived, useful idiots, complicit in their own destruction!
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