The Truth Behind RFID Chips In ObamaCare!
- The Truth Behind RFID Chips In Obamacare!
by Brandon Walker,
The truth is there is a huge smear campaign to hide the truth. The RFID chip that everyone is worried about is in Obamacare. It isn’t labeled brilliantly that “we are going to microchip the world” that some people would like to think, but the wording and the ability to microchip everyone in America is in the final bill that passed and is now being implemented throughout the country. It is listed under a bio-metric tracking implant.
When the RFID chip was first announced, the Democratic Senators, House Members, and President all went out of their way to put millions of dollars out in an effort to say that anyone that thought it was in there was nuts. Even when liberal NBC predicted on live television that everyone would be microchipped by 2017, they received several smear campaigns. Even keeps updating their website to “prove” no such thing appears in the bill. We have to remember that these are the same people that say you can keep your insurance, premiums wouldn’t increase, there are no death panels, and several lies when it came to their Affordable Healthcare Act (now known as Obamacare).
When the original wording came out, HR3200, it turns out that they indeed had means and wording to microchip the entire country within three years of its release.
The page numbers and language cited in the example above were taken from HR 3200, an early House version of health care reform legislation which was never passed by Congress; passages cited from HR 3200 are therefore irrelevant.”
They are correct. HR3200 didn’t pass, HR3962 did. This led to a startling prediction by NBC that everyone would be microchipped by 2017.
Turns out that HR3962 has the same things int it. It is an exact duplicate of HR3200 minus very few words concerning the RFID chip. They instead change the name to bio-metric device and bio-metric tracking.
So many point out that there was a reconciliation bill 4872 that all the fact check sites point out to try to debunk the HR3962 bill. The reconciliation bill was put into place when they could not agree on the funding for Obamacare. If you take a close look at HR4872, on page 1014 is the exact same wording as HR3962.
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- “Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There’s actual discussion about that. You will rule on that — mark my words — before your tenure is over. Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person’s inclined toward criminality or violent behaviour? You will rule on that.” – Senator Joe Biden(33rd degree Freemason?), 12 September 2005 John Roberts Chief Justice Confirmation Hearing
– - Justices of the Supreme Court have life time tenures ie. they serve until they die or voluntarily choose retirement because of inability to perform duties. The average period of service, so far, for all the justices appointed is about 15 years! So, what Joe Biden is saying is that: he expects by around 2020 (ie. 2005+15 years), the plan of microchipping citizens with RFIDs will be executed. And the SCOTUS will have to decide whether it is legal or otherwise!
– - The original Illuminati schedule to microchip everyone with RFID ‘666’ around 2017 – 2020, is delayed IMO. I doubt they can execute it so quickly. Their Satanic World War 3 plan is not taking off! So much for all their meticulous evil machinations/plans. See also:
William Pawelec Interview (2001): The Secret Government Has Already Manufactured Billions of Implantable RFID Microchip …
- “What he (Black project scientist) told me was: Tell people, if they say NO to one thing say NO to the (RFID) microchip! … It is not (just electronic tagging ie. identification)! The main thrust, the main reason for (RFID) microchipping is not the message that is going from the chip to the computer. It is the message that is coming the other way! And he said that through this process … they can manipulate them (microchipped persons) mentally, emotionally and physically from a distance through the chip. That’s the idea!” – David Icke from 1hr 30.40 onwards