Journalist Reveals 100 Years of Federal Tyranny by Banking Cartel !
- The FedRes, ECB, BOE, IMF, World Bank, BIS …. and practically all central banks are privately owned Illuminist corporations! Ie. they are owned/controlled by the western Illuminati, Satanic bloodlines, seed of the serpent, the Black Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy! Their objective is Luciferian New World Order, World Government, Global Supra-National Central Bank (very likely the IMF 2.0 with the BIS as backup) and One World Currency backed by gold –> ‘666’!
“They are planning through the IMF to come up with a World Currency to replace the dollar because the dollar will be replaced you just can’t keep printing them forever …. They wanna come up with another currency controlled and ruled by the United Nations and IMF ! “
– Quote: Ron Paul, 12 Jan 2012 at South Carolina.
“Are we going to go another step further into INTERNATIONAL MONEY … are we gonna go toward a U.N./IMF STANDARD where they are going to control with the USE OF FORCE another fiat standard. That’s what many people are working for and I CONSIDER THAT A VERY DANGEROUS MOVE!” – Ron Paul