Jay Taylor: We Are Close To The End !
“It is the fiat currency itself is a manipulative tool that allows those to control fiat money to reallocate wealth from those that produce it”! – Quote
- Jay Taylor: We Are Close To The End !
Published on Nov 4, 2013
What are Rick Rule & Doug Casey Buying? http://FutureMoneyTrends.com/KCR
Full Transcript here: http://fmtblog.com/?p=11125
Partial Transcript: FutureMoneyTrends.com: Greetings and thank you for joining us at FutureMoneyTrends.com I’m here with Jay Taylor. He’s a very famous mining analyst. For anyone who’s ever wanted to invest in gold or silver or oil, even other investments outside of the resource sector. Really he is the guy that really kinda of can guide you through the economy, and he’s on the same page and actually is a leader in helping people understand what’s going on in the economy right now. Jay is with jay Taylor media and you may also know him from MiningStocks.com. Jay thank you so much for joining us.
Jay Taylor: Oh, it’s my pleasure.
FutureMoneyTrends.com: Jay, in your recent article you mentioned a visit to Portugal and their depression. And you realized that country was in a depression and now that multi-national banks and other creditors have taken control of some of their major infrastructure projects. You then went on to say that ‘we gotta be aware of these global elites and what they’re doing as far as bankrupting our people and governments.’ My question to you is: how do you survive and possibly thrive in this environment of theft and wealth transferring and extreme market manipulation?
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