Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: America’s Ultimate Collapse!
- Former US Treasury Official – America’s Ultimate Collapse!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today a former US Treasury Official spoke with King World News about the chilling reality of America’s ultimate collapse. He also discussed how a coming “black swan” event will have an enormous impact on the price of gold. Below is what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts had to say in part II of his powerful interview series.
Dr. Roberts: “We are rolling toward a collapse of the dollar, and with it will collapse American power. The reason a country is a superpower is because it can pay its bills in its own currency. That’s what it means to be the world’s reserve currency….
And when it becomes clear that there is a ‘black swan’ event, and the dollar is in trouble and we can’t talk our way out of (it), that’s when the prices of precious metals will really rise. Everybody all of the sudden says, ‘Oh my gosh, look,’ and then they try to exit (the system) and so the demand for the precious metals rises so fast that (virtually) nobody can buy it except the really well-heeled.”
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