Gregory Mannarino: Washington Votes And The U.S. Dollar Gets Slammed !
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] The Government Is Researching How To Use Technology To Change Your Religious Beliefs! by Michael Snyder, Should the U.S. government be trying to figure out how to use technology to change the beliefs of “religious extremists”? Before you answer yes to that question, perhaps you should consider whether or not the U.S. government …
[youtube=] Food Stamp Dependency, Riots Lead to Martial Law! by Kit Daniels, By encouraging mass dependency on the welfare state, the Obama administration is ensuring that nationwide rioting due to a large-scale collapse of the food stamp program will “justify” an explosive expansion of the police state. – The administration’s goal to dramatically increase food …
Complete Collapse & Economic Meltdown Will Shock The World! by Today one of the top economists in the world predicted that the US economy is going to experience a “complete collapse.” He also stated that this economic collapse will “create an upside explosion in gold that will shock the world.” Michael Pento, founder of …
[youtube=] The CIA, NSA, MI5/6, Mossad …. are western Illuminist intelligence agencies. At the top echelons, the people in power are Illuminists ie. Satanists! They serve the western Illuminati’s agenda of Luciferian New World Order, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’! end
Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism …
“There Is No Question This Will End In Disaster”! by On the heels of the Chinese downgrading the United States, the US Dollar Index has plunged back below the key psychological level of 80, and the gold market has soared. Today one of the top strategists in the world told King World News that …
[youtube=] Congressional Stenographer Dragged Off House Floor for Biblical Rant Against Freemasons: ‘You Can’t Serve Two Masters!’ by As the House was debating Wednesday night’s vote to re-open the federal government and raise the debt ceiling, a Congressional stenographer walked up to the well of the chamber, grabbed the mic and launched into a …
FOREIGNERS DUMPING USTREASURY BONDS! by Dr. Jim Willie,, Foreigners sold more US$-based securities in June than after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. The USFed must lap up what is dumped. Big pressure is on primary dealers, which the USFed must relieve. The Taper Talk will reverse into an acceleration of official bond purchases. A …
Gold Trade Settlement System to Drive Gold to US$7000/oz! by Dr. Jim Willie,, Let the graphic below (top of post) tell the story, worth at least 1000 words, a Jackass task done on Powerpoint with glee. The Black Hole of the USTreasury Bond implosion has a corresponding fountain in Gold pressures. Acting like Old …
GEAB N°78 is available! The de-Americanisation of the world has begun – emergence of solutions for a multipolar world by 2015! by It’s one of those times when history accelerates. Whatever the outcome of the negotiations on the shutdown and debt ceiling, October 2013 is one of them. It’s the deadlock too far which …