Dr. Tom Horn: The Anti-Christ Hidden in America’s History?
- Antichrist hidden in America’s history?
by http://www.wnd.com/
Author of ‘Apollyon Rising 2012’ explains in exclusive interview!
From the founding of the United States, claims author Thomas Horn, this nation has been manipulated toward one goal: building an occult society that would one day welcome the spirit and person of the Antichrist.
In an exclusive interview with Sid Roth of “It’s Supernatural!” – now appearing weekly at WND-TV – Horn explains upper-level Free Masons among America’s Founding Fathers sought to weave patterns and symbols into U.S. government, architecture, even its very currency, reflective of the ancient Egyptian gods.
Did you know, Horn suggests, that the pattern of a dome facing an obelisk – such as can be seen at the Vatican or in Washington, D.C., where the U.S. Capitol faces the Washington Monument – is symbolic of the pregnant Isis and the phallic Osiris of Egyptian mythology?
Or that the Greeks took Osiris as their god Apollos, a derivative of the term “Apollyon,” which the New Testament uses to refer to the Antichrist?
Or that the Library of Congress records Thomas Jefferson specifically rejected several plans for building the nation’s Capitol, demanding instead that it be patterned after ancient, occult architecture?
Horn is the author of several books on understanding the symbols and prophecies that point the end times, including “Apollyon Rising 2012,” and his interview with Roth touches upon the Mayan calendar, the Mark of the Beast, the coming of the Antichrist and even the return of the Bible’s mysterious Nephilim through modern DNA manipulation.
Horn is also the author of “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here.”
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