GLD, Gold’s Coming Super-Surge & The Next Bretton Woods!
- GLD, Gold’s Coming Super-Surge & The Next Bretton Woods!
With continued volatility in gold and silver once again, today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb spoke with King World News about the astonishing news yesterday regarding GLD. Leeb also discussed the ongoing war in gold and silver, where he believes the next Bretton Woods will take place, and who will be in charge. Below is what Leeb had to say in this powerful interview.
Eric King: “Stephen, I know you’ve had a chance to read the Grant Williams KWN interview from yesterday. What were your thoughts as you read that?”
Leeb: “Yes, Eric, Grant brings up some very good points in that interview. I also know you interviewed John Hathaway right after Grant Williams, and the one thing that just stuck with me from both interviews is, if something goes wrong with the financial system, where are you sitting there with GLD?
One of the major money managers with massive assets under management is someone that I know very well….
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