Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. To Experience Total Collapse!
- U.S. To Experience Total Collapse!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today a former US Treasury Official shocked King World News when he warned that the U.S. would experience a total collapse. He also warned that the entire Western financial system will be brought to its knees because, unlike 1980 when he and others saved the United States from collapse, the collapse cannot be stopped this time. This is without question one of the most powerful interviews Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has ever done.
Dr. Roberts: “The (U.S.) deficit projections, if they are honestly done by the Congressional Budget Office and the Office of Management and Budget, will show a larger deficit projection than Congress faced the last time they refused to deal with the issue.
So, what will they do when as of mid-October, as the new Treasury Secretary has said, ‘The Treasury will have run out of tricks’ to get around the debt ceiling limit? For example, what the Treasury has done to evade this limit is to pay itself dividends out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (laughter ensues)….
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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. To Experience Total Collapse!