Alex Jones: Is Obama Orchestrating World War 3?
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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Russia warns US of ‘extremely dangerous’ fallout of strike on Syria! by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned the United States against the ‘extremely dangerous consequences’ of military action against Syria.Lavrov made the remarks during a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday. – “Sergei Lavrov drew attention to …
[youtube=] Jim Rogers: Financial Calamity – It’s Coming, Be Worried, Be Careful !! by Greg Hunter’s Famed investor Jim Rogers says, “This is the first time in recorded history all the banks are printing money at the same time. . . . This is the first time we’ve had massive debasement, and it’s going to …
What Now Lies Ahead Is A Terrifying Panic & Collapse!! by On the heels of continued volatility in key global markets, today 40-year veteran, Robert Fitzwilson, put together another tremendous piece. Fitzwilson, who is founder of The Portola Group, warns KWN readers around the world what now lies ahead is a terrifying panic & …
We Will Now See Massive Panic Across World Markets! by Today one of the top economists in the world warned King World News that people must get prepared right now because investors are about to witness massive panic across all global markets. He also warned about a coming great inflation and how destructive it …
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Who do these 2 snakes serve? The seed of the serpent, the western Illuminati, the 13 Satanic bloodlines, the Black Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy! – Syria: Cameron and Obama move west closer to intervention! by Martin Chulov in Beirut and Toby Helm, The Observer, via British prime minister and US president …
[youtube=] Published on Aug 6, 2013 Israel is the only regime that has threatened to obliterate all world countries in a “nuclear Armageddon,” if its existence is put in jeopardy, a political analyst tells Press TV. – In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for …
False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack on Syria! by Stephen Lendman, False flags are an American tradition. They’re an Israeli tradition. They’re used strategically. They reflect Big Lies. Merriam-Webster calls them “deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic.” – Official stories are false. They’re contrary to reality. They turn truth on …
NSA paid tech firms over Prism, says latest Snowden leak! by Edward Moyer, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and Microsoft all received money to cover costs related to surveillance requests, the UK’s Guardian reports, citing documents provided by former contractor Edward Snowden. – Tech firms including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and Microsoft received money from the National Security …
[youtube=] SD Metals & Markets: Capping Continues But Precious Metals Bull Keeps Snorting!! by On this week’s Metals & Markets The Doc & Eric Dubin discuss: A break from the traditional Friday cartel bashing as gold and silver blasted higher through $1400 $24, and closed at $1398 and $24.08 respectively! Triggering Friday’s precious metals …
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[youtube=] Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident – Russia! by Materials implicating the forces of Syrian president Bashar Assad in chemical weapons use near Damascus were prepared prior to the alleged incident on August 21, the Russian foreign ministry said. – Moscow continues to monitor closely the event surrounding the …
Defeated NATO Dangerously Desperate in Syria! by Tony Cartalucci, Activist Post Did the West Gas Thousands to Rescue Failed Syrian War? As far back as 2007, it was a documented fact that the West, including the United States and its allies Saudi Arabia and Israel, conspired to use terrorists drawn from the ranks of the …
Obama Now Preparing for Naval Missile Strike Against Syria! by 21st Century Wire President Obama’s White House is clearly feeling the pressure from the war makers in the US establishment, the City of London and the Israeli lobby – to strike Syria militarily from the Mediterranean Sea. – White House discussions come amid arrangements for …
Dr. John Coleman Ex. British Intelligence By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule. end
Why all these war mongering over Syria? Why risk WW3? This is a sign that the global economic, financial and currency meltdown is about to be triggered. The western Illuminati has only 1 card left to play: the WW3 card! They are still #1 in military power. They are triggering this WW3 to protect their global …
[youtube=] Syrian rebels manufactured chemical weapons outside Damascus! by The Syrian military has discovered a warehouse containing chemical agents in a suburb of Damascus. Yara Saleh, a Correspondent for the Al-Ihbariya Syrian information channel, who was among the journalists who inspected the site of the disturbing find, has given an exclusive interview to The Voice of …
I do not believe the Russians will allow US+NATO to intervene. The western Illuminati will use their military fiefdom Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit (by attacking Iran) to trigger this Greater Middle East War and Satanic World War 3! – Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan “The Third World War must be fomented …