Secret Central Bank Activity In The Gold Market Exposed !
- Secret Central Bank Activity In The Gold Market Exposed !!
Today one of the savviest and most well-connected hedge fund managers in the world spoke with King World News about uncovering exactly how the Western central banks conceal their secret activity in the gold market. Outspoken Hong Kong hedge fund manager William Kaye also warned that Western central banks are now “running out of gold” to supply into the market. Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions, had this to say in his fascinating and powerful interview.
Kaye: “Investors need to be focused on the numbers that are involved in the gold market. The available feedstock of gold and other precious metals that is necessary to prevent the paper market from being bifurcated from the physical market is being rapidly depleted.
This gets no attention in any of the mainstream media. It’s absolutely amazing. You are not going to read about this in the Financial Times or the Wall Street Journal or any bank sell-side reports for that matter….
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