Jim Willie: The COMEX will Shut Down in the Near Future from Absent Gold Inventory!
- Jim Willie: The COMEX will Shut Down in the Near Future from Absent Gold Inventory!
by Jim Willie, Golden Jackass website, via http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The COMEX will shut down in the near future from absent gold in inventory. The Paradigm Shift of power and wealth shifting to the East is underway.
Many are the Gold Inversion Signals which lurk, such as the negative Gold Forward Rates and the Backwardized Gold futures contracts. The physical gold shortages are creating a gigantic problem for the big bullion banks, primarily located in New York and London. They are running out of locations to steal gold from.
Prepare for numerous shocking stories, shocking revelations, shocking developments, and shocking new systems put in place that lift the Gold price to $5000 and then $7000 per ounce, and the Silver price to $150 and then $250 per ounce. It is coming.
The sellers today are the fools of tomorrow, because they react to a stated price of Gold that bears no connection to the true Gold price.
By Jim Willie, GoldenJackass.com
The true Gold price is PP in the graph, while the phony price is P* since it is associated with supply shortage and excess demand. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture requires a thousand words to explain its full meaning. The true Gold price is very much unknown, hotly debated, and unclear even to the professionals in the business of selling it in either small or large quantities. Tremendous variance in Supply across the world will become more common, seen as pockets today. The new wrinkle to float from the ether is the wide perception that the gold market is corrupt, that futures contracts are corrupt, that the official inventory accounting is corrupt, that the bond market behind the fiat currency system is corrupt, that the derivative market that supports the banking system is corrupt, that the bank asset accounting is corrupt, and that the leaders are members of a corrupt corporatocracy that hardly steeps in democracy. The perceptions toward corruption are fast changing. The Jackass contention is that the true Gold price is an order of magnitude higher than the corrupt COMEX & LBMA price spouted in the official Reich public address system that hovers over the financial arenas. Take a stab and declare the true Gold price actually (based on real value) to be on the order of $3000 per ounce, with huge upward thrusts in the works. The discovery of the 20,000 tons missing in Allocated Gold Accounts, or perhaps 40,000 tons missing, and possibly more, will send shock waves through the entire Gold and Currency and Bond and Bank system. The Allocated Gold Account scandal has finally begun after long wait. Then and only then will the true Gold price be marked as closer to $10,000 per ounce. The entire financial structure and system with all its interwoven cables and leverage rods and gearboxes will be broken like on a Mad Max film set.
The last few months have been filled with deep criminal activities and powerful deeds committed in the open. Many are the indications that the COMEX is in the final stages of its own death, to revert to a Cash & Carry market, since they have almost no gold in inventory. To pretend to execute price discovery without benefit of adequate gold in inventory is both an utter farce and a grand pretension inflicted upon the world. Imagine little Suzie setting the price for lemonade at her cute lemonade stand, but without any lemonade, resorting to IOU chits to keep the price down. She would become the laughing stock on the neighborhood. But in the gold world, the COMEX and its inventory overlord the London Bullion Market Assn do just that. They are slowly becoming the object of ridicule.
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