The One Illuminist Bank To Rule Them All !
- Who is this Super Entity: the One Bank? It is the Firm, the Corporation ie. the Illuminati! Emphasis mine:
– - The One Bank!
by Jeff Nielson,
In 1980, in an infamous episode of “American Justice”; the Hunt Brothers were charged (and convicted) with attempting to “corner the silver market” – i.e. an attempt to monopolize it. At the time prosecution commenced, the Hunt Brothers had only managed to acquire less than 20% of total global inventories.
Nonetheless, given the strict provisions of our anti-trust laws this was a violation. In this one (relatively tiny) market; even a 20% concentration by a single entity is considered unacceptable. But that was when our governments were less-corrupt, and still enforced these laws on at least a semi-regular basis.
Flash ahead to 2013, and readers of my previous commentary were presented with the earth-shattering findings of a trio of Swiss researchers:
In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of [all transnational corporations] in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 [transnational corporations] in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this point is that ¾ of the core are financial intermediaries. [emphasis mine]
In 1980, it was intolerable for one entity to have even a 20% share of one, small market. In 2013, the same cabal of (Western) governments has allowed a “super-entity” to acquire double that share – not of a single (small) market, or a whole sector, or even an entire economy. Rather, this is a single “super-entity” with 40% control of everything.
Of course when these researchers coined their term “super-entity”, they had no need of inventing new terminology. The word they were searching for was “monopoly”: a single monopoly with 40% control over the entire global economy.
Obviously what is being implied here is not minority control in every single market/sector/economy. Clearly this One Monopoly has a stranglehold over 40% of all markets/sectors/economies – with this obscene level of control spreading rapidly, like a particularly virulent economic cancer.
When the researchers speak of the ¾ of the “core” which are “financial intermediaries”; what this euphemistic language means is that ¾ of this giant monopoly are banks and bank holding-companies. The One Monopoly is one, big bank.
Despite its fraud-bloated size; the entire Western financial sector (all of these rapacious, utterly criminal Big Banks) would form only a small component of this One Bank. Thus while it is not necessarily true that the One Bank has effective control of all these fraud-factories; it is undoubtedly true that it controls the vast majority of them.
A “banking monopoly” with 40% control of all sectors of the global economy will obviously have a much, much higher concentration of control in the Heart of the Beast. The Big Banks of the West are literally “partners in crime” in the truest sense of that expression.
What is the crime being perpetrated by the One Bank? Anyone who reads even the diluted accounts of the Corporate Media will already know that the One Bank is involved in a cornucopia of crime, with the Attorney General of the United States, himself, publicly pledging to cover up all this (literal) organized crime. The One Bank is a crime syndicate.
However, among this litany of financial/economic atrocities, one grandiose scheme stands out above all others: nothing less than the economic enslavement of all humanity. While the “web” of corporate fronts which hides this obscene/illegal monolith may be intentionally convoluted; its strategy couldn’t be simpler.
Persuade/coerce all the Puppet Governments under its influence to intentionally become over-indebted, literally to the brink of bankruptcy…and then blood-suck. Steal a (large) portion of all the labours of all productive members of our society as so-called “interest payments” – forever.
The One Bank is above all else a gigantic parasite, claiming a large piece of all human production while earning none of it.
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