‘Prolific Partner’: German Intelligence Used NSA Spy Program!
- Hey look: the Germans are in on it too! What happened to all the ‘righteous indignation’ of German politician snakes? The snakes are just highly paid actors, Illuminist puppets. They pretend to have ‘righteous indignation’ to defuse the anger of the sheeple!
– - If your believe is: it’s the Americans, the Germans, the French, the British, the Joose, the Joose … the Mooslims .. the ChiComs … Al Qaeda … Syrians they are out to get us! You are a deceived useful idiot! This is what the propaganda Illuminist MSM is selling to you: the illusion, the delusions of the Illuminati!
– - The culprits are: the western Illuminati, the Black Nobility headed by the British Monarchy. These are the seed of the serpent, Satanic bloodlines. They are globalists, internationalists. The real war is: Satan and his minions vs the rest of humanity! It is spiritual warfare: God who is trying to save humanity vs Satan who is trying to destroy, enslave humanity!
– - Whether it is American-NSA, British-GCHQ, French intelligence, German intelligence … national identity is irrelevant at the top of these Illuminist intelligence agencies. They are all part of One Unified, Coherent Beast ‘666’ network. It is the same people at the top controlling these spying operation, intelligence agencies. They are Illuminists-Satanists!
– - ‘Prolific Partner’: German Intelligence Used NSA Spy Program!
by http://www.spiegel.de/
Angela Merkel and her ministers claim they first learned about the US government’s comprehensive spying programs from press reports. But SPIEGEL has learned that German intelligence services themselves use one of the NSA’s most valuable tools.
Germany’s foreign intelligence service, the BND, and its domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), used a spying program of the American National Security Agency (NSA). This is evident in secret documents from the US intelligence service that have been seen by SPIEGEL journalists. The documents show that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was equipped with a program called XKeyScore intended to “expand their ability to support NSA as we jointly prosecute CT (counterterrorism) targets.” The BND is tasked with instructing the domestic intelligence agency on how to use the program, the documents say.
According to an internal NSA presentation from 2008, the program is a productive espionage tool. Starting with the metadata — or information about which data connections were made and when — it is able, for instance, to retroactively reveal any terms the target person has typed into a search engine, the documents show. In addition, the system is able to receive a “full take” of all unfiltered data over a period of several days — including, at least in part, the content of communications.
This is relevant from a German perspective, because the documents show that of the up to 500 million data connections from Germany accessed monthly by the NSA, a major part is collected with XKeyScore (for instance, around 180 million in December 2012). The BND and BfV, when contacted by SPIEGEL, would not discuss the espionage tool. The NSA, as well, declined to comment, referring instead to the words of US President Barack Obama during his visit to Berlin and saying there was nothing to add.
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