Google’s Ultimate Goal: A Chip Inside Your Brain!

- Google’s Ultimate Goal: A Chip Inside Your Brain!
I know many of you will see this headline and assume I am about to link to some unknown conspiracy theory website with questionable sources, but you’d be wrong. This post is based on an article from the UK’s Independent that ran this past weekend. In it, reporter Ian Burrell visits Google’s headquarters and essentially fawns over everything google, including “Google Glass,” the company’s creepy new product I highlighted earlier in March in a post: The Really, Really Creepy Thing About “Google Glass.” Ok, well Google Glass is one thing, where do they see this ultimately headed? Yes, chips implanted in your brain. From the Independent:
Soon Google hopes to have the ubiquitous presence of a personal assistant that never stops working, capable of conversing naturally in any language. Ultimately, as Page and co-founder Sergey Brin have asserted, the goal is to insert a chip inside your head for the most effortless search engine imaginable. Some will find this prospect exciting. Others might want to call for Dick Tracy.
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