99% of Terrorists Caught by the FBI are Faked, Author Reveals!

- The FBI is really a ‘private police force’ of the Satanic Rothschild-Rockefeller bloodline! The people at the top are Illuminists-Satanists, the lower rungs do not know what is really going on. They are sheeple brainwashed into believing the illusion, delusions of the Illuminist social engineers. The standard technique is always to masquerade great evil in light!
– - The Global War on Terror (GWOT) against the Muslim people is an Illuminist psyop HOAX! It is to drive the sheeple, via the Clash of Civilizations (Samuel Huntington) Illuminist psyop, towards the Satanic World War 3! The endgame is the coming Luciferian New World Order, World Government, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’!
– - 99% of terrorists caught by the FBI are faked, author reveals!
by J. D. Heyes, http://www.naturalnews.com/
Here at Natural News we have documented time and again that the vast majority of FBI “terrorism” busts are the result of conjured scenarios by the agency itself; were it not for the bureau “creating” terrorist plots out of thin air, then the Feds, you see, couldn’t boast about how great of a job they are doing fighting terrorism.
Now, a new book by Trevor Aaronson lays bare the disturbingly high level of fabrication of “terrorism cases” by the government’s top domestic law enforcement agency. His tome, appropriately titled, The Terrorist Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terror, provides ample details into the FBI’s seedy, shady business of self-justification as the country’s top anti-terrorism force. Per Salon.com:
In the dozen years since the 9/11 attacks, we’ve watched as a classified new legal regime for government surveillance has been hashed out, local police forces have become heavily armed military-type units and a whole new layer of bureaucracy has hatched to provide us with an abundance of “homeland security.”
Proponents of this build-up argue that it’s made us safer. They point to hundreds of foiled plots to make their case…
But, as Anderson argues, there is much less here than meets the eye.
Just 1 percent of FBI terrorist cases are real plots
In an interview with AlterNet Radio, when asked if the FBI’s anti-terror operations were saving American lives, as the bureau itself has crowed, he essentially said it depends on how you define a legitimate anti-terrorism operation.
“I’d say that the majority of the foiled attacks that they cite are really only foiled attacks because the FBI made the attack possible, and most of the people who are caught in these so-called foiled attacks are caught through sting operations that use either an undercover FBI agent or informant posing as some sort of Al-Qaeda operative,” Anderson said.
“In all of these cases, the defendants, or the would-be terrorists, are people who at best have a vague idea that they want to commit some sort of violent act or some sort of act of terrorism but have no means on their own. They don’t have weapons. They don’t have connections with any international terrorist groups.”
Anderson, an investigative journalist by trade, said he based his estimation that only about 1 percent of FBI terrorism busts stemmed from legitimate, non-department-related operations on figures he collected in the decade following the 9/11 attacks.
Inventing crimes and criminals
He said just over 500 people were arrested by the Feds and charged with federal crimes including international terrorism. Of that figure, “you have about 150 who were caught in sting operations; these operations that were solely the creation of the FBI through an FBI informant or undercover agent providing the means and the opportunity, the bomb, the idea and so on.”
Continuing, Anderson said, “Then if you’re really being generous, you can find only about five people of the 500 charged with international terrorism who were involved in some sort of plot that either had weapons of their creation or their acquisition or were connected to international terrorists in some way. These include Najibullah Zazi who came close to bombing the New York City subway system, Faisal Shahzad, who delivered a bomb to Times Square that fortunately didn’t go off, and then you have Jose Padilla – the dirty bomber – the underwear bomber and the shoe bomber, for example.”
That’s about 1 percent of those charged with crimes that included terrorism.
The government and courts have said such sting operations are legitimate uses of law enforcement – essentially creating a crime of terrorism and then creating a “terrorist” to arrest. But is the federal government that hard up for something to “defend” us against, that it has to invent plots and schemes?
The answer to that would be, obviously, yes.
