Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw: No Proof Iran is After Nuclear Weapon!

- No Proof Iran is After Nuclear Weapon!
by, 06 July 2013
Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has rejected the baseless allegation that there may be a military dimension to Iran’s nuclear energy program by emphasizing that there is no evidence for such a claim.
Straw said at a Thursday TV panel discussion at the British state-run broadcaster, the BBC “There is no evidence, not from the IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency), not from the Americans… There is no evidence that they Iranians are involved in building a bomb.” Straw, who served as acting shadow deputy prime minister of the United Kingdom in 2010, also referred to the 2007 US National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that verified Iran was not after nuclear arms. The NIE report, prepared by 16 US intelligence agencies, confirmed with “high confidence” the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program. A similar report was also published in 2011.
At one point during the discussion, Straw struck back at a fellow panelist, who was insisting on the unfounded allegation about Iran’s nuclear energy program, and asked her, “Have the Iranians got a nuclear bomb?” and then posed the rhetorical question to the defiant panelist, “Where is the evidence?!”
Straw welcomed the election of Hassan Rohani as Iran’s next president in the July 14th vote, saying, “What I have been urging the government is that we do our best to reengage with Iranians, because there is a chance now that we can.”
