Judge Jeanine Slams IRS, NSA and Obama for Expanding Surveillance Program!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1VYfq_eZ5Y] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCKWDarNdGw] “ … it turns out the creation of Israel had not, after all, been a haphazard fight in which the Arabs fled their homes at the directives of their own leaders, but it had been an unprovoked, systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Jewish militia involving massacres, terrorism and the wholesale looting …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekgdwat3_kw] Published on Jun 8, 2013 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the American Dream that you have to be asleep to believe in, an America’s Cup too expensive to compete in and a patent system ripe to troll about. In the second half, Max interviews legendary comedian, Mort Sahl, …
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[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfHW7KR33IQ] Exposed: Academic Fraud in new Climate Science Consensus Claim! by John O’Sullivan, http://principia-scientific.org/ Authors of a new climate science consensus study trumpeted by mainstream media hacks for “proving” that most scientists blame humans for global warming are today being accused of fakery. Uproar ensued just days after publication of a controversial paper, ‘Quantifying the consensus on …
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHTWnzAg75A] Memories That Won’t Die–First Hand Account of Israel’s Murder of 34 American Servicemen on the USS Liberty! by Mark Glenn (2007), http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/ ‘When the first missile hit, I thought one of the main lines from the boiler had blown. The whole ship shook so hard it felt like an earthquake. About 15 seconds later when …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTNDss0p6s4] Insider Tells the Truth About the Cover-up of the Attack on the USS Liberty! by Mark Glenn (2007), http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/ ‘Son, I spent 2 years as a special agent in the FBI and over 30 yrs in the military, and if it is one thing I learned through all of this, it’s that when you get …
This is an extremely significant report! The bullion banksters have cleared their short positions and are now net long! As I have stated many times, once the bullion banksters have accumulated all the physical gold they want by manipulating the price lower, they will allow the price to explode upwards! This is a sign that …
Lies are repeated constantly as self evident truth! Truth is ridiculed as conspiracy theories by loony kooks! This is the world we live in! If you want to know the truth, you will not find it in the mainstream media, mainstream history … look outside the sheeple’s world, to the alternative media, what the mainstream …
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Verizon & the NSA Are Constructing the “Red List”! by Dave Hodges, thecommonsenseshow.com The Washington Post broke a story this week which should wake up even the most dyed-in-the-wool sheep. This news and the implications arising out of this news is so heinous, so horrific, so tyranny laden, that even the sheep should be picking …
Sooner murder and genocide will be perfectly legal ! As long as the Gman say so! All of these statements are simply acclimatizing/brainwashing the sheeple to the Global Surveillance Militarized-Police State. It is about total control. Who wants to be in total control of everything? Who wants to be like the Most High whose sovereign will …
The NSA, like the CIA, MI5/6, Mossad …., is an Illuminist intelligence agency! In the occult, Satanic world; it is the puppet masters, the people behind the scenes, unseen, rarely heard publicly, who are the powerful controlling force! The NSA is more to be feared than the CIA, MI5/6 … It is a higher order, …
Second NSA PRISM Spy Leak Shows Govt, Tech Companies Are Lying to You! by Anthony Gucciardi, Story Leak A second leaked slide from the NSA’s top secret PRISM operation details how the NSA actually goes straight to the servers of top tech companies like Skype and Google in order to compile your personal chats and …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWS5y2-RcH8] Bill Murphy: From the Outhouse to the Penthouse! by http://www.futuremoneytrends.com/ This week I spoke to Bill Murphy of Lemetropolecafe.com, he is also the Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. A non-profit civil rights organization that’s goal is to expose the manipulation that is going on in our markets daily. – Bill is a …
Would-Be World’s Biggest Oil Merger Agreed at Bilderberg! by Steve Watson, www.Prisonplanet.com Despite countless examples that prove the contrary, detractors, debunkers and non believers continually argue that the Bilderberg group holds no power, and that it is just a talking shop for elite has-beens. Now yet more evidence has emerged that policy and secret multi-billion deals …