The Terrifying Future of The United States!
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] [youtube=] Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, is the country which most consistently betrays and attacks America! This is in rememberance of all those US servicemen who died on that fateful day in 1967. This false flag attack was to be blamed on Egypt. Fortunately, they failed. BBC documentary, Google Video : – During …
Time Magazine Cover: This is What Propaganda Looks Like! by Still don’t believe mainstream media outlets are engaged in deliberate propaganda against U.S. citizens? If not, these images should shake you out of your stupor. I’ve pointed out the difference in Time Magazine covers for the U.S. market versus what they show the rest …
[youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] The FBI is the ‘private police force’ of the Rockefellers! Illuminists, of course, will always hide the puppet masters, the true agenda, purpose, objectives … from the sheeple in a screen of official LIES! – The Global War on Terror (GWOT) against the Muslim people is an Illuminist psyop HOAX! It is …
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The CIA: Keepers of the Hit Lists. War Crimes as Policy! by DOUGLAS VALENTINE and NICOLAS J.S. DAVIES, In February the Guardian and BBC Arabic unveiled a documentary exploring the role of retired Colonel James Steele in the recruitment, training and initial deployments of the CIA advised and funded Special Police Commandos in Iraq. …
[youtube=] The feedback in the market is: Yes! The era of unbacked fiat currencies is coming to an end! – Does China Plan To Back The Yuan With Gold And Make It The Primary Global Reserve Currency? by Michael, What in the world is China up to? Why are the Chinese hoarding so much …
Israeli forces block efforts to extinguish fires caused by settler arson attacks! by Israeli occupation forces have blocked efforts to extinguish fires caused by Jewish settlers’ arson attacks. A fire engine sent to help was prevented from getting close to the blazes in the village of Al-Zubaidat in the Jordan Valley. Settlers set fire to …
[gigya src=”” width=”450″ height=”300″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent” flashvars=”file= desk/2013/june/june 04 tues/michael burns.flv&image=”] US military buildup in Jordan is nail tapping in coffin of war in Syria’! by An American military analyst says it seems the United States is getting ready for a military intervention in Syria by deploying its military weapons in Jordan. – “The …
[youtube=] John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, in Violation of US Anti-terrorism Laws! by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Press TV, “The United States and its allies are not seeking a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis. – If they were seeking a solution they would disengage in terms of their support to al-Nusra, which …
Fleckenstein – Gold Will Be Damn Explosive To The Upside! by Today Bill Fleckenstein spoke with King World News about the most exciting investing opportunity that he has ever seen in his career as he gave KWN his most powerful interview ever. Fleckenstein also spoke about the “explosive” situation in the gold market. Below …
Fleckenstein – We Are Staring At Economic Collapse! by Today Bill Fleckenstein gave his most powerful interview ever as he warned King World News that we are now going into a depression, or we will have massive inflation. Fleckenstein also warned that either way this will end in a financial disaster that will be …
[youtube=] Bilderberg Authoritarianism Destroys Humanity! by Sartre, “It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.” – Prince Bernhard – Knowing the accuracy of historical reality is difficult, but accepting the truth in that chronicle is almost impossible …
Bill Murphy – Breaking News: Comex Admits Its Reports Are For Informational Purposes Only! by Financial Survival Network Breaking news from Bill Murphy of and While reviewing the Comex Gold Inventory Warehouse Report, he came across a newly minted disclaimer. Basically they are telling you that the numbers are for informational purposes only …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 5, 2013 Today we talk with Rob Kirby about the false narratives coming from the U.S. government and fascist mockingbird media. How can average Americans break their conditioning when they can barely tie their shoes or tell you the name of the Governor of their own state? 9/11 Bond fraud, the …
[youtube=] Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on gold and gangster capitalism! by Episode 129: Andy Duncan has the pleasure to interview former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. – Andy gets straight to it and asks Dr. Roberts about his view on a manipulated price of gold. Dr. Roberts elaborates on how …