UKIP MEP Gerard Batten: Expands on his May 20 Bilderberg (Illuminati) Speech in the European Parliament ! Why is there a Media Blackout on Bilderberg Meetings?
- The Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC) are lower rungs geo-political arms in the western Illuminati organization. (see charts below) They report to the Committee of 300. In the occult hierarchy, profane, secular departments report to the priestly, religious class. It is a mimicry of the old testament Biblical theocracy. Thus, you have Bilderberg Group –> Committee of 300 …. -> Council of 13 (Satanic priesthood) …-> demons –> fallen angels –> Lucifer/Satan. These occult geo-political organizations get their plans and directions from the fallen angels via the Satanic priesthood. They are mainly execution arms or implementation arms of the western Illuminati.
– - Who owns the MSM? They are owned/controlled by the western Illuminati!
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