Obama’s Plan To Arm Syrian Rebels: A Fait Accompli Before His Summit with Putin?

Obama’s Plan To Arm Syrian Rebels: a Fait Accompli Before His Summit with Putin?
by http://larouchepac.com/
On April 30, Washington Post correspondent Karen De Young, in a major article, cited an unnamed senior administration official saying that President Obama “is likely to make a final decision on the supply of arms to the opposition within weeks, before a scheduled meeting with Putin in June.” “We’re clearly on an upward trajectory. We’ve moved over to assistance that has a direct military purpose,” the official stated. Other media reports indicate that the summit is to take place in September in Moscow.
It has also been reported that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will be in Moscow May 7-8 for talks with President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. No doubt, Syria and Iran will be on the top of the agenda. It is evident that Obama, before he meets Putin, wants to make the American military involvement in Syria a fait accompli. Strong opposition to this policy continues to be stated by Gen. Dempsey, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, among others.
That American military involvement could be imminent has not escaped the notice of the Russians. Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin told the Lebanese Al-Manar TV: “Russia can never accept any foreign aggression against Syria or interference in its internal affairs, in the same way that we would never accept foreign interference in any country’s internal affairs.” He said the U.S. cannot intervene in Syria under an international decision because of the Russian and Chinese vetoes at the Security Council, adding that intervention from outside the Security Council “would put the US in front of a great responsibility; it might not be able to afford its consequences.” Without naming the United States, or Britain, or France, or the Arab nations militarily and financially helping the terrorists to take control of Syria, Imam of al-Aqsa Mosque Salah Eddine Abou Arafa, in an interview with al-Mayadeen channel on April 30, stressed that fatwas and calls for jihad in Syria are issued by some people who call themselves scholars, but “are mere liars that aim to destroy Syria and satisfy its enemies.”
