China Invades India: Tensions Mount as Platoon of Soldiers Slip Across Border to Claim Disputed Territory?!

- The first casualty of war is always truth! This piece by the Daily Mail UK is largely propaganda IMO. What does China gain? The Anglo-American western Illuminati is fomenting war against China. These snakes are prepared to lose 100 major cities to a nuclear war just to protect their global monetary hegemony! It is via their control of the privately owned Illuminist central banking cartel, SWIFT system, the fiat currency hegemony that they rule the world. Without it, their Mammon power will end. China is the biggest threat to them! The article below is really a psyop against the Indian sheeple to deceive them into supporting a war with China.
– - Having said this. I am in no way pro-China. Neither do I think any invasion into Indian territory is acceptable. I just don’t believe that the confrontation by Japan-China over the Senkaku-DiaoYu islands, the Spratly islands dispute between Vietnam-China (and the Paracel islands) and this latest India-China incident, are accidents. They are an alignment of forces against China to trigger the Greater Asia War by the western Illuminati. IMO, both the western Illuminati, Russian and Chinese Illuminati have agreed to the coming Satanic World War 3! Simply put: the Illuminists-Satanists are setting up the Japanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian … sheeple to kill each other. Whichever sides win (western Illuminati or Russian/Chinese Illuminati), gets to be the top lieutenant when the Man of Sin comes!
– - China invades India: Tensions mount as platoon of soldiers slip across border to claim disputed territory!
by Daily Mail Reporter
– Chinese troops set up camp in Ladakh region in middle of April, it’s claimed
– Slipped across the boundary into India in middle of night, India says
A two week Chinese incursion has left India on the verge of crises, it has today been reported. India says Chinese troops set up a camp on its side of the ill-defined frontier in Ladakh region in the middle of April. The platoon of Chinese soldiers slipped across the boundary into India in the middle of the night, according to Indian officials.
They were ferried across the bitterly cold moonscape in Chinese army vehicles, then got out to traverse a dry creek bed with a helicopter hovering overhead for protection. They finally reached their destination and pitched a tent in the barren Depsang Valley in the Ladakh region, a symbolic claim of sovereignty deep inside Indian-held territory. So stealthy was the operation that India did not discover the incursion until a day later, Indian officials said.
China denies any incursion, but Indian officials say that for two weeks, the soldiers have refused to move back over the so-called Line of Actual Control that divides Indian-ruled territory from Chinese-run land, leaving the government on the verge of a crisis with its powerful northeastern neighbor.
Indian officials fear that if they react with force, the face-off could escalate into a battle with the feared People’s Liberation Army. But doing nothing would leave a Chinese outpost deep in territory India has ruled since independence.
‘If they have come 19 kilometres into India, it is not a minor LAC violation. It is a deliberate military operation. And even as India protests, more tents have come up,’ said Sujit Dutta, a China specialist at the Jamia Milia Islamia university in New Delhi. ‘Clearly, the Chinese are testing India to see how far they can go,’ he said. That is not China’s stated view.
‘China strictly complies with the treaty and documents on maintaining peace and stability in the border region between India and China,’ Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said last week. ‘The Chinese patrol troops did not go across the Line of Actual Control, not by even one step,” she said.
Local army commanders from both sides have held three meetings over the crisis, according to Indian officials. India’s foreign secretary called in the Chinese ambassador to register a strong protest.
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