Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Former US Treasury Official – Banks Move To Enslave Humanity!

- Former US Treasury Official – Banks Move To Enslave Humanity!
by www.kingworldnews.com
Today a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury spoke with King World News about the crisis in Cyprus and warned that banks are now moving to enslave humanity. Former Assistant of the US Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, also told KWN the people of Cyprus need to take to the streets and fight against this oppression. Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in the second part of two extraordinary interviews which have been released today.
Eric King: “You talked about the Cypriot government standing up against the arm-twisting from the IMF and the ECB, if they stand strong and this starts to spread to other countries, what does that mean for the European Union?”
Dr. Roberts: “It saves it from being privatized by a handful of banks. So it would be a good thing. If the banks have to write down the loans, that’s what they are supposed to do. They are already damaged from buying all of the toxic Wall Street waste, all of the junk that we marketed to them.
So if they have to write down European sovereign debt on top of that, they may be damaged. But in that case the European Central Bank should focus directly on saving the banks, and not on destroying democracy in order to have power concentrated in the EU. You see this crisis is being used by the EU bureaucracy in Brussels to destroy the financial sovereignty of the individual countries….
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