Bilderberg One-World Mouthpieces Continue Slandering Iran, Pushing for Middle East War!
- There are a lot of political theatre going on! My assessment is that: Obama is going to Israel to tell Benni NUTenyahu to start the war against Iran. It is still Albert Pike’s Satanic World War 3 plan. The US & NATO do not want to get involve directly in this Greater Middle East war. Their hands are full: wars in Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, coming wars in South America and the Big One against China. Not to mention, their plans to counter whatever Russia throws up!
– - This war is definitely on! The western Illuminati need this war as a distraction from the coming global economic, financial and currency collapse. They will put the blame on Iran and its allies for all the calamities. Out of this coming world war, they want to usher in their Luciferian New World Order, World Government, Global Supra-National Central Bank, One World Currency –> ‘666’! The Man of Sin will be revealed as the ‘savior’ to cause the wars to cease, to sign a peace treaty of 7 years!
– - Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit will be the chosen nation to start WW3! When it comes to Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Christian sheeple are, unfortunately, easily deceived useful idiots. Many of them will fall when Zionist ‘666’ Israel is destroyed! The Luciferian plan is to destroy both Christianity and Islam before launching their One World Religion: Satanism!
Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. …. more!
– - One-World Mouthpieces Continue Slandering Iran, Pushing War!
by James P. Tucker Jr.,
• Bilderberger says Obama going to Israel to ask for “new beginning”
President Obama, who takes dictation from Bilderberg, has done an about-face. After having been critical of Israel’s expansionist wars in the past, he is visiting Israel for the first time March 20 to grovel apologies.
“This trip is a signal that the president has an interest in . . . the broader concerns that Israel is facing,” said Dennis Ross, a Bilderberg luminary and senior Middle East adviser in Obama’s first term. “It will be the president traveling to Israel to ask for a new beginning.” (He will also be “asking” for a Middle East war.)
In June 2009, Obama said “the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements” in Palestinian lands after the 1967 invasion of Egypt and Golan heights. Obama had also been critical of Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestinian land, including killing and torturing men, old women and children. Now, Obama is embracing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and increasing aid to Israel. These heads of state will discuss military attacks on Iran to prevent the development of “nuclear weapons.”
Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and promises not to develop nuclear weapons. Its facilities are inspected regularly. Israel has had nuclear weapons for decades but refuses to sign onto international agreements that regulate nuclear weapons. Additionally, Israel refuses to allow nuclear inspectors a peek.
On March 1, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, an MIT-trained engineer, said the nuclear negotiations were “on the right track and moving in the right direction.
“Our case is neither like North Korea’s nor Libya’s,” Salehi said. “It will be resolved. We have nothing to hide and we have always been clean.”
The warmongers persist, however.
“Iran has a long track record for feints, misdirection and failure to deliver,” said Clifford Kupchan, a former State Department official and Middle East analyst for Eurasia Group, a consulting firm with Bilderberg ties.
During a March 4 reception in Washington, D.C., Bilderberg attendee Richard Perle was overheard by an AMERICAN FREE PRESS source pressing for war with the Persian country. Perle callously claimed that a war with Iran would only take “two or three days” and the U.S. military “would have low casualties.”
Perle is best known as one of the leading architects behind President George W. Bush’s war on Iraq, arguing that the U.S. military needed only 40K soldiers to take over the country. Ten years later, Perle has been proven wrong on Iraq. He is also wrong on Iran. A war against the Iranian people would be a disaster for America.
James P. Tucker Jr. is the world’s foremost expert on the global elite. Tucker is AFP’s editor emeritus and the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary.
