Paul McGuire: Luciferian Elite, Multi-Dimensional Weapons, Hyperborea, America and the End of Days!
by Paul McGuire, March 11, 2013,
The legendary ancient pre-Flood civilizations like Atlantis, Thule and Hyperborea were built on highly advanced science and technology, and there is a direct connection between these ancient cultures and what is happening now in America and around the world. Sir Francis Bacon, a key leader in the Rosicrucian’s, who later became known as the Illuminati, planned for America to become the “New Atlantis” and the center of the New World Order about a hundred years before America became a nation. In order to understand the connection between Atlantis, Thule and Hyberborea and America in prophecy, it is necessary to the accounts of the god men who came from the stars in order to establish these civilizations.
In the Garden of Eden, the serpent or Satan tempted Adam and Eve with the words, “You shall be like God knowing good and evil.” In the pre-Flood world of Noah there was interspecies breeding going on between the “sons of God,” or the B’nai Elohim and human women. The ancient rabbinic scholars believed that the term “sons of God” specifically referred to fallen angels and this was the teaching of the early church for several hundred years. The offspring of these fallen angels procreating with human women where called the Nephilim.
When God created man in His own image, mankind to whatever degree had the DNA of God. Lucifer deliberately corrupted that DNA when he assigned fallen angels to interbreed with human women. In addition, when the Fall of man occurred, the DNA of man was significantly altered.
The account of Noah’s Ark and the Flood can only be understood in terms of genetics, DNA and the Nephilim. When Jesus Christ said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the day of the coming of the Son of Man,” He was not only referring to wickedness and violence; He was referring to the interbreeding between fallen angels and human women that produced the Nephilim. In our time geneticists working in the field of Transhumanism, are attempting to breed a new race of supermen who are the product of Nephilim, animal, and human DNA. This is the story of the Tower of Babel all over again because it is the attempt of man to become God, which is what happened in Eden. Nimrod was the god-man who organized the people to build the Tower of Babel. Nimrod appears to have been a Nephilim and he possessed highly advanced science and technology.
In addition, the universal mythologies of pre-Flood civilizations speak of god men coming from the stars and seeding the human race. We are on the verge of a global revolution in science and technology where the traditional Theory of Evolution is about to be replaced by a new theory claiming that the human race on Earth was seeded by aliens from other galaxies.
Evidence of highly advanced pre-Flood civilizations includes the monolithic monuments that survived the Flood such as the pyramids and the Sphinx and the Incan and Mayan monuments. Many of these structures could only have been built with technology that is superior to today’s technology. One of the forces supposedly used in these pre-Flood times was a mysterious energy that the Nazis discovered, called the Vril force. The Vril force, the energy fields studied by Nicola Tesla, and what is now called scalar technology are based on similar theories deriving from of quantum mechanics.
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