Jim Grant On Global Central Bank Currency Devaluation: Monetary Revolution Is Devouring Its Children!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka35DXn38fQ] Published on Feb 18, 2013 An analyst says the international banking cartel headed by private central banks such as the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank are advancing their imperial agenda and trying to ‘shackle people into debt slavery.’ Press TV has conducted an interview with Chris Dorsey, economic and political commentator …
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Never believe a rumor until it is officially denied ! – Did the G-20 Just Signal Further Global Easing? by Deepanshu Bagchee, www.cnbc.com Global finance ministers and central bank chiefs attending the Group of 20 nations (G-20) meeting in Moscow dismissed talk of currency war over the weekend and said they would “refrain from competitive …
Norway Enters The Currency Wars! by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com While the G-20 and the G-7 haggle among each other, all (with perhaps the exception of France) desperate to make it seem that Japan’s recent currency manipulation is not really manipulation, and that the plunge in the Yen was an indirect, “unexpected” consequence of BOJ monetary …
When Gold Turns It Will Trade Violently To The Upside! by www.kingworldnews.com Today Bill Fleckenstein spoke with King World News about gold and global stock markets. Fleckenstein, who is President of Fleckenstein Capital, believes the gold market is at or near the end of the long correction. He also issued a warning about global stock …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcYSNm9Q-94] Muslim terrorism/radicalism has its roots in western Illuminist intelligence agencies. Mainly British Intelligence: MI6. It should more correctly be termed as Illuminist terrorism and not Muslim terrorism. It is Satanic. Illuminists masquerade themselves as Jews, Muslims, Christians … to deceive the sheeple! All these terrorist organizations are owned and controlled by the western Illuminati. The management, financing, logistic supply, …
Hitler, of course, was Jewish! Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi war criminal was also a Jew and a Zionist too! – Jewish Historian Henry Makow: The Nazi leadership right up to Hitler himself were also of the Crypto-Jewish variety and backed by the same Jewish bankers. It was these Sabbatean Jews who would unleash the genocide …
Soldier’s Instagram post puts him in the crosshairs! by Ron Friedman, http://www.timesofisrael.com/ Photo of a child caught in a sniper rifle’s sights makes waves online A photograph of a child caught in the crosshairs of a sniper’s rifle posted to photo-sharing website Instagram has begun stirring controversy on the Internet. – The photo, taken January …
Retail Apocalypse: Why Are Major Retail Chains All Over America Collapsing? by Michael Snyder, Activist Post If the economy is improving, then why are many of the largest retail chains in America closing hundreds of stores? When I was growing up, Sears, J.C. Penney, Best Buy and RadioShack were all considered to be unstoppable retail …
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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQY5y7ABbHE] “We now have 7 billion people living on this planet … The British (Empire/Monarchy) intention which is made very clear is that there should not be more than 1 billion people … (on) the entire planet!” – Lyndon LaRouche, 12.00 onwards Matthew 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWCPWYftgsU] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTNDss0p6s4] Mr. Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: “These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the people …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp1RJLRzyR8] “Shalom (Ex ShinBet chief) shocked viewers. He called Israeli occupation no different from Nazi occupied Europe.” – Quote The 13th Tribe of Khazaria! Ashkenazi Khazars Are Not The Jews of The Bible! If almost 98% of JEWS we know today are NOT semitic, wouldn’t the term ANTI-SEMITIC be null and void? I made this …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewA8KU9PJgs] “Never believe a rumour until it is officially denied !” Published on Feb 16, 2013 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss ending the currency war with a gold standard. They also look at how, since going off the gold standard in 1971, productivity gains have all gone …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGKmjih6rsg] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aNBssO4_do] “Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There’s actual discussion about that. You will rule on that — mark my words — before your tenure is over. Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person’s inclined toward criminality or violent behaviour? You will …
[gigya src=”http://www.blogtalkradio.com/btrplayer.swf” width=”400″ height=”115″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent” flashvars=”file=http://www.blogtalkradio.com%2Fplaylist.aspx%3Fshow_id%3D4245677&autostart=false&shuffle=false&callback=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/FlashPlayerCallback.aspx&width=400&height=115&volume=80&corner=rounded” ] [gigya src=”http://www.blogtalkradio.com/btrplayer.swf” width=”400″ height=”115″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent” flashvars=”file=http://www.blogtalkradio.com%2Fplaylist.aspx%3Fshow_id%3D4257937&autostart=false&shuffle=false&callback=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/FlashPlayerCallback.aspx&width=400&height=115&volume=80&corner=rounded” ] Thanks to thetruthisstrangerthanfiction for highlighting it. This is an amazing interview of Tim Bence and how the Lord led him to discover a Nephilim Giant sacrificial altar where human babies were sacrificed by the 8′ – 8’6″ supposedly native Americans. Tim Bence is of …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cScj74I5P8M] Wall Street/City of London financed Hitler & The Communist Revolution – Professor Antony C. Sutton! Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one ONE-WORLD GOVERMENT UNDER THE …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltP2t9nq9fI] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpR0QEhqKc8] Historic Court Case Against the BBC’s Cover Up of 9/11 Evidence! by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, via http://www.globalresearch.ca/ The BBC is being challenged strongly for its refusal to present to the British public the available scientific evidence which contradicts the official version of events of 9/11. Thank you very much to …
BBC Sued in First Case Over Ex-TV Star Savile’s Sex Abuse! by Erik Larson & Jeremy Hodges, http://www.bloomberg.com/ , 13 Feb 2013 The British Broadcasting Corp. was sued by a victim of the late television star Jimmy Savile, who police say sexually abused hundreds of young girls and women for decades, including on the BBC’s property. …
800 more children permanently harmed by vaccines! by Ethan A. Huff, http://www.naturalnews.com/ (NaturalNews) More evidence has emerged showing that the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) vaccine Pandemrix, which was widely administered throughout Europe during the 2009-2010 H1N1 influenza “pandemic,” was responsible for causing serious and permanent side effects in many of the children that received it. At least …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrdmjBAX0E0] Thank you very much for confirming what I have been saying about the Club of Rome and the Global Warming HOAX, Illuminist Psyop! – Published on Feb 7, 2013 PLEASE MIRROR AND SHARE THIS VIDEO… This video is the edited version to her speech as I only have 15 minutes upload allowance…original video with …
Currency Wars Often Lead to Trade Wars … Which In Turn Can Devolve Into Hot Wars! by WashingtonsBlog Currency War → Trade War → Hot War? According to numerous high-level insiders, the global currency war is accelerating: – – Current Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann – St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank president James Bullard – Philadelphia …